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East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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What we have been learning about this week

Week 2


This week, in English, we have continued our recounts all about the intrepid explored Howard Carter. We have been using some amazing phrases, adjectives and phrases to describe how he must have felt entering the Pyramid of Giza for the first time in 3000 years!


In mathematics, the children have continued their learning about place value up to 10,000,000. That's a lot of zeroes!


In Science, we started our topic of Living Things by clearly defining what it meant when things were alive and what it meant if they were non-living.

In Religious Education, we began our topic of 'How do belief shape the lives of Muslims?'. We looked at a quick history of Islam before delving into the similaries and difference between Shia and Sunni muslims.


Have a great weekend!


Week 1


Well done to Owl class for making it through their first week!


In English, we have been learning all about RECOUNTS and then writing a first person perspective on the discovery of Tuthankhamun by Howard Carter.

In Mathematics, we have been learning all about place value up to 1,000,000.

In History, we started to consider why the Nile was so important for the Ancient Egyptians.


In DT, we started our new project - Electrical Systems where we shall be creating our very own electrical doodlers!

Have a great weekend!

