School Logo

East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

Get in touch


Week 2-

Well done for a fantastic effort last week, the work/observations that I've seen were fabulous so well done to both the children and parents! Please see this weeks suggested timetable. The links for Literacy will be uploaded to DOJO daily like last week. Have a great week and don't forget our daily 9am zooms, it's so lovely seeing them and I know they love seeing each other!


Here are your resources for the phonics lessons, it's a mixture of Mr Mc and Geraldine the giraffe this week, enjoy!


Literacy play activities

Loved seeing all your learning last week, I was very impressed with the presentation. Well done! 


Enjoy this weeks 'Alive in 5'

Topic challenges

These are the types of activities the children would of completed in school so if you can do them it would be great.

