Summer 2
Our topic this term is Memory box so there will be a big focus on History.
EYFS Literacy: This term the early years children will continue focussing on how to write a simple phonetic sentence. They will continue to have their weekly reading and writing challenges that they will complete during play and learn time.
Year 1 English: This term in English the children will be writing a poem inspired by the ‘Sound collector’ by Roger McGough. The children will be able to use the knowledge that they have learnt so far to write some excellent descriptive phrases. They will also be writing a story inspired by the story Grandad’s Island. The children will continue their reading skills lessons and will continue developing their ability to answer VIPERS questions. Some other texts we will be reading are; One Hundred Steps- Captain Sir Tom Moore, the dinosaur that pooped the past by Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter, Great Women who changed History by Kate Pankhurst and Coming to England by Floella Benjamin.
Early Years Phonics:
The Early Years children will be continuing with phase 4 phonics and will be learning how to read and write consonant blends. Please continue practising their phonics booklets when you read daily as this will really help them to quickly recognise each sound which will support them when reading words and blending.
Year 1 Phonics:
This term, the year 1s will be continuing with phase 5c phonics. We will be recapping the phase 5 spellings to ensure they are embedded ready for year 2. Please continue looking at the phase 5 graphemes in their phonics booklet.
Early Years Maths:
This term in maths the children will be learning how to double, share into equal groups and count in steps of 2s, 5s and 10s. They will continue practising counting objects to 20 and simple addition and subtraction.
Year 1 Maths:
At this point in the year we are developing our mastery skills in maths even more by completing more 'reasoning' questions. In year 1 this term we will finish of place value within 100 and ensure that this is secure. We also have money so there will plenty of opportunities to secure this in the toy shop outside, I will also start a snack shop (they can use the coins we have in school to ‘pay’ for their snack. They will also be taught the time and the children will be learning o’clock and half past, it would be great if they could wear an analogue watch to school each day (if they have one).
In science this term we will be continuing our focus on planting and materials.
Outdoor learning: This term we will be start with some observational drawings of our outdoor environment.
Our topic of ‘Memory Box’ has lots of history opportunities. The children will be comparing objects from the past and present. They will also create their own timeline and family tree.
Art and Design:
This term in art we will be creating a self portrait, creating prints and drawing a still life of some wild flowers.
Religious Education:
This term we will be learning about ‘special ways of living’. Hopefully we will be able to visit the church and learn about what happens at the church on a Sunday. The children will also learn about the Islam and Ramadam.
In PE this term we will be preparing for sports day.
As always reading is very important, especially in early years and year one therefore, if you can read with your child at least 3 times a week it will really make a difference! It is important to also revisit the phonics booklet a few times a week to ensure they are secure with the sounds taught so far. We will be continuing with the reading at home dojos and the vipers DOJO. The VIPERS questions are stapled into the front cover of the reading diary for you to access as well. I was so proud to see lots of Robin class achieving their silver and gold certificates last term. I know some children are very close to achieving their bronze too so keep going! I know we also have someone who is close to achieving their platinum as they have nearly read 300 times at home!
Year 1:
A new piece of either English or maths (alternated) will be given out each Friday and expected back in or uploaded on to DOJO by the following Friday. This will relate to the teaching in class from that week to build on the learning. There will also be spellings too, please practise these every few days and we will do an informal spelling check on Friday afternoon. Any spellings your child does not get correct will follow on to the next week.
I’m really looking forward to this term and I’m sure the children will love it too! As always if you have any questions please send me a DOJO message or catch me after school.
Miss Cormick