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East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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Autumn term curriculum 2021

Our topic for autumn 2 is: Moon Zoom! 

Are you ready for take off year 1 and 2? Hold tight. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..... LIFT OFF!


Below is a link to our topic web for this term which explains what we will be learning about in each area of the curriculum smiley

Our topic for autumn 1 is 'Splendid Skies'. 



This term we will be enjoying lots of books associated with the weather and seasons. We will read 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs' by Judi Barrett and 'The Owl who was afraid of the dark' by Jill Tomlinson. We will be writing instructions on how to dress for a rainy day to begin with and then we will move on to writing poems based on the poem 'The Wind' by Christina Rossetti. Towards the end of the term we will write our own weather reports and I am hoping to use a green screen and have some fun with that! In our reading skills lessons we will be reading the book 'The Hortense and the shadow' by Lauren and Natalia O'Hara to develop our vocabulary, inference, predictions, explanations, retrieval and summarisation skills.


Phonics and reading play a big part during year 1 and year 2. At the beginning of the term I will assess each child to see where they are working at within phonics, and I will then put any necessary interventions in to support your child with their reading. In year 1 we will be revisiting the phase 3 digraphs, and focusing on the year 1 common exception words. In year 2 we will be revisiting the phase 5 digraphs before we move onto the spelling patterns in phase 6. We will also be focusing on the year 2 common exception words. Year 2 children will be taking the phonics screening check in November, and more information will be given to you about this nearer the time, but please if you have any queries please come and speak to me!


This term in maths we will be learning about place value.

In year 1 we will be looking at place value to 10, which includes sorting objects, counting objects, comparing objects, and ordering numbers.

In year 2 we will be looking at place value to 50, which includes comparing numbers, reading and writing numbers in numerals and words, and ordering numbers and objects. We will have various challenges in each lesson that the children will be striving to get through that follow the CPA (concrete, abstract, pictorial) approach to maths. 


In science this term we will be completing some work on everyday materials. I am so excited to get started in our science lessons as we will be doing some experiments with materials to see if they are waterproof, we will be looking at shadows and the effects of the sun (light and temperature) and we will be making a rain gauge and a anemometer!


Geography and history:

Our topic this term is mainly geography based, but we will be learning about Sir Francis Beaufort in history. In Geography we will be learning about extreme weather, the equator, we will be locating the poles and looking at aerial views. I really enjoy teaching topic lessons, so I am sure that we will have lots of fun learning together!

Art and Design & Technology:

In art this term we are going to be creating weather paintings, doing some cloud art, painting the trees in different seasons and making sun catchers. Towards the end of the term we are going to design a kite, make a kite and then evaluate our kite after flying them!

Religious Education:

This term the children will be learning about 'How the universe came to be?' focusing on the Christian religion. 


This term the children will learn about families and friendships, safe relationships and 'managing secrets'. We also have a 'Doves calm corner' in our classroom, where the children can relax and read books on emotions and feelings. We will do a lot of work on the zones of regulation and hopefully we will be in the green zone most of the time!


In PE this term we will be doing multi skill sports. Most of our lessons will be outside, so therefore please ensure your child has the correct PE kit for outdoors. Our PE day is a Friday afternoon this year yes



We are going to begin by learning about France, the food, culture and its special landmarks. We will learn simple greetings such as how to say hello, goodbye, how are you? We will learn the days of the week and the numbers to 10/20. 

Music and computing:

Mrs Thomas will be teaching music and computing on Tuesday afternoons whilst I have my planning time. The children will have access to a range of technology and musical instruments. 

I hope you are looking forward to our first topic of the school year! If you have any questions about next term you can always contact me on Class Dojo, come and see if at the classroom door, or make an appointment at the school office. 


Miss Forman smiley

