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East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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This week's learning



This week was test week (which the children were all very excited about(!)).


Your child was tested on:


Year 6


Maths 2019 papers - Arithmetic, reasoning paper 2 and reasoning paper 3

Reading 2019 paper

Spelling punctuation and grammar paper 2019

Individual writing task


Year 5


Maths White Rose End of Spring Term Assessment and arithmetic paper

Reading Paper

Spelling, punctuation and grammar paper

Individual writing task


All the children worked very hard on these so well done to them!


I look forward to seeing you all at the parents' evening and class assembly next Thursday!


Have a great weekend!






For English this week, we were completing our character sketches of The Highwayman and then creating our own on a character of our choosing. At the end of the week, it was World Book Day - here are a few pictures of us all dressed up!





In mathematics this week we have been learning about converting:

- between different types of metric measurements

- metric to imperial

- a variety of time measurements




In Science this week, we have been learning about classification using the Carolus Linnaeus system.  




This week's homework is on two sheets. Some children may find the second sheet too challenging. If this is the case, it is fine for them to complete only the first one.


Have a great weekend!




Welcome back to our first week back after half term!


This is a summary of what we've been learning about this week:



We began the week revising our grammatical knowledge.  We then went on to study the narrative poem 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes. Following on from this, the children have been learning how to write an effective character sketch.




This week we have been concentrating on converting metric measures: metres to centimetres, metres to millimetres, metres and kilometres, g to kg, ml to l and vice versa. It was definitely a challenging unit - ask your children how they found it and whether they can explain the concepts to you!




In Science, we are starting our new unit Living Things and their Habitats.




We have started our new basketball unit. This is an outside PE unit so please ensure your child has the appropriate clothing.


Have a great weekend!




This week, we have been studying the genre of instructions in the context of how to stay safe in the event of a tsunami. Children were expected to use a variety of features such as imperative verbs, bullet points, complex sentences and a range of punctuation!




In mathematics, we have been studying how to convert fractions to decimals and percentages and vice versa. Here is an example of one of the problems the children had to solve:


Reading certificates


A number of children in Class Owl have received their exclusive bronze reading certificates and badges for achieving their 50 reads. Please sign your child's reading diary every time they read so they can maximise their totals!


Thank you - have a great weekend!




This week we have been learning:




(1) - How to multiply decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 (move the number left - not the decimal point!)

(2) - How to divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 (move the number right - not the decimal point!)

(3) - How to multiply decimals by integers (whole numbers)

(4) - How to divide decimals by integers (whole numbers)


This was a good problem that had the children scratching their heads:

Can they talk you through it?


In English, we have been revising lots of our learnt grammar, namely:


Complex sentences, compound sentences, relative clauses, semi colons, passive tense, determiners, possessive apostrophes and prepositional phrases.


Can your child tell you what they all mean?


We then wrote informal letters and imagined that we were in Pompeii when Mount Vesuvius erupted. The children decided who to write to and to describe the events that unfolded - of course they had to set their letters out correctly and use the appropriate Year 5/6 grammar and spelling skills!  


In Dance, the children were learning to create a dance sequence using a range of patterns based on 'City Life'. There were some excellent dances which were well synchronised and carefully thought through!


TT Rockstars - homework!


I have now set the children TT Rockstars as part of their homework. They are expected to play at least 5 games per week and I will be monitoring this on a weekly basis. 


Thank you - have a great weekend!


Mr Forster




This week's learning:




This week, we have been looking at ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths. We have also been revising our understanding of fractions - here's a question that the children all found particularly tricky:


Which is bigger: 3/7 or 5/8 ?


Ask your child to see if they can remember how to do this. If not, there's some help here:



In English, we have been looking at the key features of informal letter writing. We have also looked at the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD - we shall be writing our own letters to our loved ones next week.




We have revised - cious and -tious endings and also started to learn about - cial and -tial endings. Please remember to test your child on their weekly personalised spellings!


Religious Education:


In RE this week, we have looked at the symbols that are used to represent Jesus.


Have a great weekend :)

Mr Forster


This week's learning:




Another week has flown by this week and we have been learning:




Changing mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa:





Comparing fractions with different denominators:





In English, we have been continuing our explanation text genre and researching and explaining all about earthquakes! The children completed an independent write yesterday and I was very impressed with the outcome.


In Science, we learnt how blood circulates in the body and in spellings we were focusing on personalised spellings. Please ensure you are testing your children on their personalised spellings each week ready for a test on a Friday!


Have a great weekend,

Mr Forster 





The children were welcomed back to 2020 with a unit on fractions! This week, we were learning all about equivalent fractions, simplifying fractions and improper fractions. Check out the homework this week which is based on these concepts - a good explanation can be found here:




Our new topic is 'Extreme Earth' and this week the children were researching and learning how to write an effective explanation text about volcanoes. 




Our new topic is 'Animals including humans'. The learning this week was all about blood and we created our own! The Cheerios were red blood cells, the marshmallows white blood cells, the oats platelets and the yellow water was plasma - delightful!


This week the children looked at - ough words - there are six different ways of saying this phoneme. Can you child tell you them all? As a Year Five, we also revised our understanding of possessive apostrophes.


Making BLOOD!

Have a great weekend!

Mr Forster

