This week's learning
Summer 2
Week 4
Is that another week that has flown by?! Wow! The children have been working really hard this week in TEST WEEK! (which all the children loved by the way)!
They did:
- an arithmetic and reasoning papers in mathematics;
- a reading paper;
- a spelling, punctuation and grammar paper;
- a piece of writing.
If you would like to see your child's paper, please ask them to take it home with them - please bring these back before the end of the term.
This week, we have also been participating in an on-line E-safety assembly run by Google.

There is an online game which can also be played which will review the points discussed in the assembly. Just click the link here!
Have a great weekend
Week 3
Well done to all the children for their fantastic participation in the Sports Day today - what a great effort and attitude they all had!

In English this week, we were looking at 'pathetic fallacy' - how the weather and nature sets the scene and mood of a piece of writing.
In Mathematics, we were revising our understanding of equivalent fractions and then adding and subtracting them. Phew - it was tough !
In Science, we were measuring items in both their mass and their weight. We learnt that 1kg on earth is approximately 10 Newtons. The weight changes depending on the gravitational pull - so we'd weigh much less on the moon!
Here are some photos of us working hard!

Have a fantastic weekend!
Week 2
The weeks seem to be quickly flying by! Here is an overview of what the children will be learning this half-term:
This week in English, we have been using the stimulus of The Alchemist's Letter to write descriptive narratives and using emotive language.
In Maths, the children have been practising their long multiplication, cube numbers and order of operations (Year 6 - BODMAS). A great effort from the children this week!
In P.E., the children were practising their athletics, reading for sports day next week. In D.T., the children continued to design their theme parks, and trying to balance the books - some of their costs have run away with them!
Have a great weekend!
Week 1
Welcome back to the last half term of the year! This one is likely to whizz past too and we're one down already!
In English/Religious Education, we have been learning about the Four Sights that Buddha experienced and we wrote these as a diary entry.
In Maths, we have been revising our understanding of multiplication and negative numbers.
In Science, we started our new topic of Forces where we learnt all about air resistance, water resistance and friction.
In Design and Technology, we started designing our theme park which ties in with our new topic - "Scream machine!" - which is all based on theme parks!
Have a great weekend!
Week 7
Well done to all the children for getting through the last week of the half-term - it's certainly been a long one!
This week, the children have been learning:
English - to create a blog using their word processing skills and diary language. Lots of great work here and some children really got into the role of Charles Darwin!
Mathematics - to use translation and co-ordinates. The children have been able to solve some quite tricky problems moving or "translating" shapes in either the 1st quadrant or all 4 quadrants (depending on their year group!)
Science - to consolidate our understanding of inheritance and evolution. This started off with a unit test - ask your child how they did. The children then went on to create a double-paged spread about everything they could remember about this topic. They were all very impressive - here is a selection!

Computing - to create a game using levels and debugging. This is really tricky but I have been really impressed by how the children have persevered and have kept going back to their code and editing - well done!
Just a reminder that the first Monday back will be PE, so the children will need to come to school in their PE kits as normal.
Have a great half-term!
Mr Forster
Week 6!
This week has flown by and what a lot of learning we have done!
In English, we have been researching the expedition that Charles Darwin joined which eventually led to his breakthrough on the theory of evolution. We are writing his experiences up as a diary and then a blog to really engage the reader!
In Maths, we have been learning how to use co-ordinates in the first (Year 5) and all four quadrants. Look out for the related homework this week!
In Science, we were creating our own animal that has adapted to its environment.
In Religious Education, we were starting our new topic of Buddhism and looking at The Eightfold Path.
In Computing, we were continuing our maze games - this is harder than than it looks - the children have to keep going back to their codes and finding the bugs! Most children managed to complete a Two Level game today - here are a selection:

Our Charles Darwin display board is really coming along - great work Class Owls!
Have a brilliant weekend! One more week left to go children!
Mr Forster
Week 5
This week, we have been pretending to be Mary Anning and writing letters to the British Museum all about our new discovery of a "plesiosaur" fossil. Some fantastic letters: well done!

In Maths, we have been looking at quadrilaterals, measuring their angles and calculating unknown angles in polygons.
In Science, we were investigating the scientists who had various theories about evolution before Charles Darwin!
In Art, we were learning about different types of shading: hatching, cross-hatching, stumping and stippling - I'm sure your child could tell you all about them!
In Computing, we were using Scratch to create a maze game and then de-bug it - really tricky!
Another successful week Owls - keep up the good work!
Have a great weekend!
Mr Forster
Week 4
In English this week, we have been learning all about Mary Anning and the "curiosities" that she found. We have also been learning how to write an effective formal letter using a variety of grammatical techniques.
In Maths, it has been all about angles - namely acute, obtuse and right! The Year Six have gone a bit further that this and learnt how to calculate unknown angles on both a straight line and around a point.
In Art this week, on the theme of Mary Anning, the children sketched some shells. There were some really brilliant ones! Here is a couple of great examples:

Last week, in P.E., the children took part in the Quad kids competition. Today the children received their certificates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in their year group/gender. Well done to them!

Have a super weekend!
Mr Forster
Week 3
Well done to the children for another week of great learning!
In English this week, we have been completing our biographies based on a famous celebrity. We then completed a hot task based on a fictional character called Pip Davenport. The finished pieces were really well thought through and I was really pleased with how they turned out!
In Mathematics this week, we have been learning all about volume and capacity. Most of the children found this relatively easy and we then had a mini-assessment at the end of the week - ask your child how they found it!
In our Science lesson, we were learning all about hybrid animals and trying to work out which types of animals the parents were.
In Religious Education, we were looking at the Happy Human Humanism symbol and describing what it meant to be a Humanist.
In Physical Education, the children completed a "Quad's competition" which was: long distance, short distance, long jump and throwing. Here are some pictures from the afternoon:

VIPERS reading challenge!
Just in case you need some inspiration of what VIPER questions to ask your child, here is an example which may help:
Have a great bank holiday weekend - see you on Tuesday!
Mr Forster
Week 2's learning
Another week over! Please see below, the planned learning for this half-term: our topic is based on Charles Darwin!
This week's learning:
This week, in English, we have been continuing our biography genre and researching famous people throughout history. The children are getting really good and editing their own work and locating where they may have spelt words wrong! More of the biography topic next week!
In Mathematics, the Year 5 have continued to consolidate their line graph skills, whilst the Year Six learnt about circles, reading pie charts and the mean. They also completed a statistics assessment - ask your child about how they found it and how they did!
In Science, we were looking at how animals adapt to their environment - delving more into Darwin's theories of evolution!
In Religious Education, we looked at Humanism and what it means to be a humanist.
In Art, we finished off our Darwin's finches. The finished pieces were impressive!

Your child would have brought back a "VIPERS" bookmark today. These are questions that relate to the National Curriculum strands of reading and we are now encouraging parents to ask these type of questions when listening to your child read.
If you can note a VIPERS question when they read, they'll earn one dojo. Plus, they'll be getting one dojo per read at home, so potentially 10 dojos at the end of the week!
Have a great weekend!
Mr Forster
Welcome back to the Summer Term!
What a great start to the Summer Term - the children have all been working really hard this week. Our new topic is called 'Darwin's Delights' and is all about the great scientist Charles Darwin. Look out for the at-a-glance curriculum sheet which will be published next Friday!
In English this week, we have been looking at the genre of biographies - specifically at Charles Darwin. The children have been working hard to make their biographies interesting, using a variety of grammatical structures and lots of exciting key phrases!
In Maths, we have continued our topic of statistics in Year 5 and 6 - the children managed this well - even when plotting data and choose their own scales!
In Science, we started our new topic of Evolution and Inheritance which fitted well in with our topic! We learnt that we inherit certain characteristics, some traits are caused by the environment and some are a mixture of the two.
In Art, we were experimenting with water colours to create different tones to paint different finches found on the Galapagos Islands. Here are a couple that are coming on very well!

Have a terrific weekend!
Mr Forster