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East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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Class Information

Welcome to Kingfishers!


This year Kingfishers are taught by Ms Reeves and Mrs Graves. Mrs Graves will be teaching on a Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Ms Reeves will be teaching on a Wednesday and Thursday. Every day Mrs Walker and Miss Braham will be in the classroom supporting the children.


Reading books

Reading has many benefits. It can help children escape to fantasy worlds or become friends with new characters. It helps with memory, communication skills, imagination and focus. It can also help with mental health as well as help to exercise your brain. In Kingfishers we continue to promote reading skills and a love of reading.

The children will bring their reading book home every evening to share with you. Please could you sign their reading diary to say they have read to an adult and record the page number. We will continue with the Reading Vipers system. Please can you ask your child at least one reading viper question when they have finished their reading session. If anyone needs copies of the reading vipers again please just ask and we will arrange this for you.

Within the classroom with have split the children into 5 groups. Each day the children will do one of five activities, three of those being with an adult and two independently. It is really important the children have their reading records in school as the adult they work with will write in their each session so you can see what they have been focusing on. 



PE is on Tuesday and the children need to come into school wearing their PE kit. Earrings cannot be worn in PE lessons so please can you make sure your child can easily remove them by themselves as we are unable to do so. It may be worth keeping a small pot in their bag for them to put their earrings in once they have removed them. Many thanks on this issue.

Swimming will continue in the summer term.



Homework will go out on a Friday and be due in the following Friday. It will be based on the learning the children have been doing throughout the week and will alternate between Maths and English.

Spellings will be a part of their homework however these will be set on a Monday, via Dojo, be taught throughout the week and then tested on a Friday. We shall also set activities to help with their learning at home on EdShed.



At the start of June all year 4 pupils in the country take part in the Multiplication Times-tables Check where they will be tested on all tables up to 12. In Kingfishers class we use TTRockstars both in and out of class. The children will continue to use their log ins from last year and will need to complete a minimum of 10 minutes on TTRockstars outside of school as part of their homework.

In class we will be completing a times-tables check everyday. Please can we ask that you practice all times tables up to 12 with your children as regularly as possible.


Pencil cases.

This is always a difficult area for us as we know how excited the children are about bringing in their own pencil cases. Due to issues in the past, we have unfortunately had to stop the children from having them on their desks. We will, however, allow them to keep their pencil cases in their bags for use in the afternoons if needed.



We continue to use the Dojo system in class. The children are awarded Dojos throughout the day and these are added to the system.


We look forward to working alongside you all this year.


Mrs Graves and Ms Reeves

