Weekly homework
Friday 10th June 2022
Homework this week is to write at least 5 sentences about your favourite superheroes. In your sentences you will need to have capital letters, commas and full stops. I would also like you to include coordinating and subordinating conjunctions (and/but/or/because/if/when/that). Individual spellings are also in the pack!
Friday 6th May 2022
This week there is some maths home set! Year 1 have multiplication and division questions to complete and Year 2 have some addition and subtraction practice with exchanging. Individual spellings and TT Rockstars is also set for the week
Friday 29th April 2022
Homework this week is to write four sentences about Queen Elizabeth II. How old is she? How long has she been on the throne? How many children does she have? What did she do in the second World War? What is her favourite dog? What was her nickname when she was little? When are her birthdays?
Remember to punctuate your sentences correctly, check your spelling and I am looking for extremely neat presentation! As always, individual spellings and TT Rockstars is set for the week!
Friday 22nd April 2022
This week homework is maths. Year 1 have adding equal groups looking at repeated addition and Year 2 have some work on fractions. Year 2 will need some counters or some resources like this to use- If you need to borrow anything please let me know! TT Rockstars will also be set and the children will have their individual spellings in their wallets.
Friday 1st April 2022
Easter homework this holiday is a SPaG sheet and a maths sheet. Please read as much as you can through the holidays too using the VIPERS questions! Have a lovely two week break
Friday 25th March 2022

Friday 18th March 2022
Friday 11th March 2022
This week homework is individual spellings and some work on compound words. These are when two separate nouns joined together make one word. For example: sun + flower= sunflower.
Friday 4th March 2022
This week homework is individual spellings and... THE READATHON! Aim to read for 60+ minutes over a week and track your minutes using the link provided to you on dojo. More information about the East Hanningfield readathon is on this weeks newsletter
Friday 11th February 2022
Half term homework is some maths, an end of topic review for English and spellings. This is all due on Friday 25th February
Friday 4th February 2022
This weeks homework is maths. Year 1 have comparing numbers and Year 2 have drawing pictograms (1:1) Individual spellings are also in homework packs
Friday 28th January 2022
This week it is English homework and the task is to use conjunctions in a sentence about Mary Anning and specific dinosaurs. Conjunctions are and/but/so/or/because/when/if/that. We use conjunctions in-between our ideas to link them together and extend simple sentences.
An example for a sentence about the Triceratops would be: The Triceratops moved slowly, but it could run really fast.
Friday 21st January 2022
Homework this week is maths. Year 1 have comparing number sentences and year 2 have a sheet on sharing equally. This builds on our learning at school so thank you for all of your support when completing this at home. Any questions, please come and see me!
Friday 14th January 2022
This week children need to be practising their new weekly spellings and then write a sentence with that new spelling word in it! I can't wait to read them. Use the phonics mat in your homework folders to help you with any sounding out.
Friday 7th January 2022
This weeks homework is maths. The Year 1 children have some problem solving and reasoning questions related to 'adding by counting on' and the Year 2 children have a worksheet on arrays. I have also added some number formation for homework as it is good practise to make sure those numbers (especially 2s, 3s, 5s and 9s) are formed correctly!
Christmas homework:
Over the Christmas holidays children will have a phonics sheet to complete and their spellings. These will be due in on Friday 7th January 2022.
Friday 3rd December 2021
Different types of sentences!
Friday 26th November 2021
Year 1 have a sheet on place value, numbers 11-20.
Year 2 have a sheet on money and counting the coins and notes.
Friday 19th November 2021
This week homework is to write a recount of our 'Children in Need' day! I hope you all enjoyed the day and I will look forward to reading these Individual spellings are also in the children's homework wallets
Friday 12th November 2021
This week there is a maths sheet to complete, TT Rockstars set and individual spellings. The year 1 children's maths is finding the difference, and the year 2 maths sheet is addition using the column method (exchanging).
Friday 5th November 2021
This week we have an English task to complete and individual spellings. The children need to add some descriptive words to my ideas which are based around Bonfire Night. They are welcome to draw some pictures too!
Friday 15th October 2021
As we have a short week next week (18th-20th) all children in both year groups have a phonics activity sheet and a maths worksheet to be completed over half term. This will be due in the first week back after half term. Individual spellings will also be set with the next spelling test on Friday 5th November. I have also set the 5 times table again on TT Rockstars (sorry for the technical difficulty last week but it should be up and running now!)
Have a lovely half term
Friday 8th October 2021
This week is maths homework with individual spellings and also TT Rockstars set. Year 1 maths homework is on the part whole model and year 2 maths homework is on number bonds to 100. We have been focusing on these during the week in our maths lessons. If you have any questions feel free to dojo message me
Friday 1st October 2021
This week the children have English homework to complete. We have been working on adjectives and expanded noun phrases to make our writing more exciting. I have a bitesize clip for the children to watch which I will post on dojo so it is easier to access. The activity to complete is to describe autumnal objects (3 if possible). Here is an example:
A conker.
A shiny, hard, round conker.
A shiny, hard, round conker that has fallen from the tree.
Individual spellings are also in book bags
24th September 2021
This week homework is maths. Year 1 have a comparing number worksheet using the inequality symbols (<>=) and year 2 have a worksheet to complete based on ordering numbers to 100. Individual spellings are also in their homework packs. I have given the homework dojos to everyone for last weeks weather report homework Well done!
17th September 2021
Homework this week is English. Please write a couple of sentences about the weather this weekend/next week depending on when you complete your homework. Children also have their individual focus five spellings to learn. If some children didn't get a spelling correct on Friday morning, they will have that same word again next week. As always, please dojo message me if you need anything!
10th September 2021
This week is maths homework and it will be consolidating the learning from this week in our lessons. I have also set TT Rockstars up for your child to have a go at if they wish to do so. Year 2s should be more familiar with this, and although we do not cover times tables until the summer term in year 1, we will be doing 10 minutes every Friday afternoon, so the children are welcome to have a go! Your childs TT Rockstars log in is stuck in their yellow reading record.
All children should have a homework folder to keep their work in. I will mark it and return it the next Friday with the new homework.
Everyone will have 5 spellings each week to learn which will be called their 'focus five'. These may be common exception words or words that I have noticed have been spelt incorrectly in their writing. Over the week they will practise them in early morning work, at home and then we will check their spelling on a Friday morning. Every child will have individual spellings to fit their needs each week, so if they do not get a spelling correct one week they will have the same one the next again week- hopefully that makes sense!
If you have any queries please let me know.
Miss Forman