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East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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Year 2

Online learning for the week beginning: 11th January 2021

Hello! smiley

I think the majority of people seem to be happy with the timetable created, so I am going to go with that this week again, with the video clips being loaded to dojo/vimeo. If you have any feedback or would like anything else to be included into the weekly plan please do let me know through email or dojo!


Below is the link to the timetable for the week beginning 11th January 2021 yes


Year 2s will be learning how to make arrays, doubles and the 2, 5 and 10 times table this week. The links are on the timetable for the daily video clips, and the worksheets are below:


I hope the children enjoyed the activities based on 'The Tiger who came to tea' last week. This week our focus book is going to be 'Zog' by Julia Donaldson. We will be collecting adjectives, using conjunctions, improving a character description and then writing our own character descriptions. There will be daily video clips for each lesson which will be sent to you on dojo/vimeo. The worksheets will be added here through the week. 


The spelling frame is really good for year 2 children to work their way through and the links to these spelling rules are on the timetable. Please use my video clip from last week to recap the phase 3 and phase 5 digraphs. 

Reading Vipers

We will carry on with reading vipers this week, and our story of Meerkat Mail. This week we will move along through the story answering questions on summary, vocabulary, inference, prediction and explanation. There will be a video clip link for each lesson sent to you. The question and answer sheet is below: 



This week in handwriting we are going to focus on writing the days of the week. This is the part of the KS1 curriculum, and is a requirement that all children should be able to spell the days of the week by the end of year 2. A video link will be posted to you for this. 



Below are the resources you will need for Geography, Science and Friday's creative activity. I will explain all of the topic lessons in more detail during my daily video clips! 



I thought we could set ourselves a class fitness challenge! The challenge is to walk 35.7 miles over lockdown. This is how long it is from East Hanningfield Primary school to Big Ben in London! You don't have to walk you might want to skip, bike ride, or scooter, but record how far you go and see if you can complete this by the end of lockdown! For anyone that doesn't want to partake this you can still exercise by doing some Joe Wicks work outs- he is back live from Monday!

