Autumn 1
Dear Robin class parents,
Welcome to the new school year at East Hanningfield Primary School. I hope that you have all enjoyed the summer holiday and are looking forward to an exciting start to the school year. We have a busy half term planned with the early years children settling in and getting to know their classroom and the year ones will be deepening their learning and gaining knowledge from fun science and geography lessons. The children will have the opportunity to use the outside classroom everyday so please make sure they are dressed appropriately with a coat, gloves, hat in the winter and a sun hat in the summer.
Our whole class topic this half term is “Do cows drink milk?”
This topic will allow us to learn lots of interesting information about farms and growing.
Early years
This term I will be spending lots of time getting to know the children and playing with them, during this time I will also be taking observations of them and assessing them to identify their next steps. Most children who are four are assessed between 30-50 months and 40-60+ months, I will attach a link to a website that gives you ideas of how to support them to progress to the next stage.
Early Years
This term the early year’s children will be beginning their phonics sessions; we will start with phase one phonics lessons which will help them to train their ears to identify different sounds. This includes hearing a rhyming string, alliteration or the initial sounds in words, for example the ‘h’ in hen. We will then move on to phase two which is when they start to learn the letter sounds, we follow the jolly phonics scheme. After learning a new sound your child will bring home a sheet to help them practise writing that sound. They will also learn how to read the phase two tricky words (these are words that you cannot phonetically sounds out) they are; no, go, into, the and I.
Year 1
This term the year one children will be revisiting the phase three sounds to ensure that they can be read confidently within the context of a word. It’s very important that the children can confidently recognise the taught phase two and three sounds because during the phase four lessons they will use this knowledge to read words with a consonant blend. They are the words like lamp, nest, train, burnt.
Early years
This term the children will be enjoying fun opportunities to explore mark making with a range of media. The children will be labelling pictures and objects with their initial sound.
Year 1
This term we will share a range of books including what the ladybird heard and the little red hen, we will also share a range of non-fiction books. The children will be innovating the story 'what the ladybird heard' and writing instructions on how to make a bread roll.
Early Years
After their settling in period the children will start math lessons by focusing on their ability to match objects that are the same, this will be through a range of fun activities including matching odd socks, objects and then objects and numerals. We will then move on to sorting objects by colour, size or shape. We will be practise counting carefully and lining objects up as we count them.
This term we will also be singing lots of fun maths songs and completing maths challenges in the maths zone.
Year 1
We will be continuing to follow the white rose curriculum and this term, our blocks this half term are place value and addition and subtraction.
The children will have regular Outdoor learning sessions which will usually be every Thursday and will start on Thursday the 17th September (I will give you notice and send a DOJO message if the day changes). On outdoor learning days please send your child to school in old comfy clothes that cover their arms and legs. During this time the year one children will be learning about plants. They will learn what plants need to grow and survive. We will identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants.
Religious Education
This term the children will be learning about special words and stories within their own lives, Christianity and Sikhism.
PSED (Early years)
The children develop their personal, social and emotional skills throughout the year by sharing, making relationships and managing their feelings and behaviour.
PSHE (Year one)
This term the children will learn about families and friendships and the roles of different people.
In PE this term we will be developing our gross motor skills and developing our running skills. Our lessons will be held outside, so therefore please ensure your child has a pair of plain dark-coloured joggers, and preferably a dark-coloured hoody. Children should come into school with their kits on when it is our PE day. Our day will be Wednesday.