This Week's Learning
WC 18.6.21
This week has been a busy week!
In Maths we have been learning to tell the time. We have been working on telling the time to 5 minutes and to the nearest minute using an analogue clock. We have also looked at 12 hour and 24 hour times and have been learning how to convert these.
In English, we have been looking at the features of explanation texts and writing our own about How Rivers Flow. We have been working hard to ensure technical vocabulary such as source, meander, tributary, estuary are spelt correctly. This has obviously linked with Geography as we have become familiar with features of rivers and why geographical changes happen.
In Science, we have been exploring electricity. We have a good understanding of renewable and non renewable energy and how appliances are powered either by mains or battery.
In Art we have explored different artists that have painted water. We have looked closely at different techniques and mediums and have had a go at creating our own water effects using water colours. They have turned out great!
We participated with the Young Voices event at the O2 via video link which we enjoyed. We sang beautifully and really enjoyed watching the band play the song we have been practising 'Lovely Day' by Bill Withers.
Although it was a very rainy day today, we have enjoyed the Euros day! We managed to get outside and play some of the games that the school council had organised and we are really excited to have raised money to contribute towards new goals!
Wc 21st May
What a fantastic end to a busy half term!
The children have rounded up their learning of our topic Tribal Tales by creating a 2 page spread in their books about the similarities and differences between the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age and they look fantastic! A fantastic amount of effort went into these and the children were extremely proud of their work.
In DT we made and evaluated our Stone Age tools. The children worked hard to secure their tool pieces together using only string.
In Art, we finished our Stone Age Cave painting themed printing blocks and created a repeated pattern with these. They look great!
In PE we have taken part in Year group competition 'Fitness Threes' and 'Superstars' and our scores have been sent off to compete with other local schools.
Wishing you all a fantastic half term and see you when you return for the final stretch of your school year!
WC 10th May
We have continued to read Stig of the Dump and have been focusing on the different reading VIPERS to support our understanding of the text. We are really enjoying the story and every time we finish reading, we want to continue to read a little more. Chapter 7 next!
In English, we have continued to learn about persuasive texts. We have been recognising and finding different features in different example texts and we have had a go at using these features in our writing. We have worked hard to write adverts for rusty, old, broken cars and derelict houses which we found great fun! We also wrote an advert for a Stone Age tool.
In Maths, we have continued applying our understanding of money. We have added and subtracted amounts and calculated change.
We have continued to use our journals for reflection on our day throughout the week.
In French we have continued learning about different colours and the correct order of adjectives and nouns.
In Music, we have been learning the popular sea shanty 'Weatherman.' Great fun!
We continued to enjoy our swimming lessons this week and in PE, we continued to develop our running techniques for both short distance sprints and long distance running.
WC 3rd May
We have continued to read Stig of the Dump and have been focusing on the different reading VIPERS to support our understanding of the text. We are really enjoying the story and find ourselves really understanding the character of Stig. Chapter 6 next!
In English, we have been learning about persuasion. We have been using different features of persuasion to write a letter to stop Stig from being evicted from the Dump.
In Maths, we have been applying our understanding of money. We have found totals of different coins in both pounds and pence and we have ordered different amounts. We have recognised which amounts are greater or less than. We have also converted pound into pence and pence into pound, ensuring that we use thee decimal point correctly.
In History, we have been learning about what life was like during the Bronze Age. We learnt how swords were made, travel in the Bronze Age and we discovered the grave of the Amesbury Archer. It was extremely interesting!
We have continued to use our journals for reflection on our day throughout the week.
In French we have been learning about different colours. We are beginning to recognise that the word order in French is different than in English!
We continued to enjoy our swimming lessons this week and in PE, we played a game of Benchball. We really worked well as part of a team and worked hard to pass the ball to team members.
We also joined schools all over the country and entered a Heroes Stamp competition for Royal Mail. The winning entries get their designs made into a real stamp which is very exciting!
WC 26th April
We have been working very hard this week!
We have continued to read Stig of the Dump and have been focusing on the different reading VIPERS to support our understanding of the text. Chapter 5 next!
In English, we continued to write our own versions of Stig and the Dump. We worked on including speech, fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and ensured that the rest of our punctuation was tip top! We edited our work and we started to peer mark each other's work this week. We loved listening to our partners story!
In Maths, Year 3 have been exploring capacity and volume.. They have been reading scales and recognising how many ml are in a l and using this information to convert measure. They have compared volume and been adding and subtracting different volumes. Year 4 continued to develop their knowledge on decimal numbers, focusing on place value to ensure that their understanding of decimal numbers is concrete. They have been rounding decimals to the nearest whole number and recognising halves and quarters as decimals. They know that they can use a half and a quarter to work out what 3/4 is as a decimal.
In Science, we learnt about how soil is formed and the different types of soil underground.
We have continued to use our journals for reflection on our day throughout the week.
In Geography we used maps to locate and label UK cities.
In History we discovered what life was like in the Bronze Age.
In RE we learned about how Judaism was founded.
WC 19th April
Another great week this week!
In English, we learnt about using possessive apostrophes accurately. We planned our own stories based on the story of Stig of the Dump and began writing them using a variety of skills. We used inverted commas for direct speech and worked hard to proof read our own work and ensure that we weren't making preventable errors.
In Maths, Year 4 have been exploring mass. They have been reading scales and recognising how many grams are in a kg and using this information to convert measure. They have compared mass and begun to recognise capacity and volume as another method of measure. Year 4 continued to develop their knowledge on decimal numbers, focusing on place value to ensure that their understanding of decimal numbers is concrete. They compared decimal numbers using < > symbols and began to order decimal numbers.
In DT we have collected more materials for our Stone Age tools and discussed how we are going to use these to make.
In Science, we learnt about how fossils are formed.
In PE we had a go at developing our stamina to run long distance and then took part in relay races. Swimming again this week was very much looked forward to!
We have continued to use our journals for reflection on our day throughout the week.
In RE we learned about how Judaism was founded.
WC Monday 12th April
We had a great first week back after Easter and we are very excited for our new topic Tribal Tales.
We have started reading our new text 'Stig of the Dump' by Clive King and we are hooked! Every time we read part of the story, we want to read on and we have been showing fantastic understanding of the text through Guided Reading lessons linked to our reading VIPERS.
In English, we became familiar with the text and used our reading skill of inference to find out more about the character of Stig. We used fantastic vocabulary to write descriptions of the characters and we began to imagine what might happen in the story next.
In Maths, we looked at fractions and tenths and hundredths as decimal numbers. We have continued to develop our TT recall through different tasks.
In DT we designed a Stone Age tool after exploring the school ground for natural materials that would be useful to make these tools.
In Science, we learnt about different types of rocks and how they were formed.
In PE we had a go at long distance running and short distance running. We definitely want to build up our stamina to be able to run for a longer distance! We also started swimming which was great!
In PSHE we have been using our wonderful new 'Bee books' journals which were kindly paid for by the Friends, to reflect on our feelings.
In History, we recognised what life would have been like in the Stone Age and what Stone Age people would have had to do for survival.
In RE we learned about how Christianity was founded.
Overall, a fantastic first week back and very much looking forward to building on our learning next week!

In English we have been writing non chronological reports about volcanoes and explanation texts about the layers of the earth and earthquakes.
In Maths we have been developing our understanding of fractions, being able to recognise equivalent fractions and adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.
In Science, we have been studying plants. We know how plants are constructed, what they need to grow and how water is transported through a plant. We carried out an experiment using food colouring in water to see how water travels up the stem of a flower.
In Art, we have been learning about Fibonacci's spiral and now we can identify the spiral everywhere around us! We used the spiral to balance our work when sketching ammonites and paint sunflowers. Our art work was amazing!
In PE we have been creating a dance based on volcanic eruptions. We worked well in pairs and small groups to create movements and dance sequences.

We really enjoyed Red Nose Day and participating in the RND Mile!
It has been a busy few weeks back and the children are definitely ready for a relaxing break ready to get back into the swing of learning after Easter!
Our topic when we return will be Tribal Tales and we will be exploring what life was like in the Stone age, through to the Iron Age.
Week Commencing 7th December
This week has been a busy one! We have been practising our Christmas songs and we also enjoyed our Christmas Dinner on Wednesday.
In English we have been looking at historical heroes and planning a newspaper report around what we have learnt about their lives.
In Maths we have been looking at how we can apply our Maths skills to a variety of different problems, including those that we have come across in our assessments.
In Science, we have been learning about how light enables us to see.
In Computing, we have been using 2Calculate on Purple Mash to explore spreadsheets.
In RE we have been learning about how the Bible is split into different parts and where the Christmas Story comes in the Bible.
In Art we have designed and sculpted our own busts of the historical heroes that we have been learning about this half term.
Clay busts

Week Commencing 30th November
Over the past two weeks, we have been working hard to write our own newspaper report based on the story of 101 Dalmatians. We have been learning about fronted adverbials, subordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and direct and indirect speech and ensuring that we include these in the different paragraphs of our newspaper report. We have edited our work and presented them neatly onto a newspaper template.
The last couple of weeks in Maths have been about using and applying our knowledge of our times tables across a variety of different contexts. We have been using the inverse to help us solve missing number problems and we have also been recalling corresponding division facts. In addition to this we have been completing our TT grids and using and applying a variety of our mathematical knowledge to solve different problems in our Mini Maths starters.
We have been looking at the digestive system and how our body helps us to break down and digest food. We have also started looking at the Science topic 'Light' and have shared our knowledge of what we know and what we want to learn.
We have designed sock puppets and will be learning how to use running stitch to sew.
We have been learning our Christmas songs ready for our performance next week!
Week commencing 9th November
This week has been a great week in Kingfisher class.
In Maths we have been focusing on multiplication and corresponding division facts. We have been working hard to beat our score on our TT grids.
In English we have been writing well structured descriptions about Cruella De Vil for Wanted posters. We have been focusing on structuring paragraphs and using a variety of descriptive language. We have been working on developing our consistency in spelling. We have also written Remembrance themed acrostic poems which you will have seen on dojo.
In PE, we have continued to develop our Hockey skills with Mr Huartson.
In Art we have created Silhouette collage art based around Remembrance. They look fabulous on our classroom door.
We have also learnt about Children in Need and why we fundraise for such a great cause. We have discussed different ways to keep our minds healthy and promote mental wellbeing.
Looking forward to another fantastic week next week!
Week commencing 12th October
In English we have been looking at the features of instructions. We have been recognising that bossy verbs are called imperative verbs and are frequently used in instructions. We know that instructions need to be in chronological order and we have been working to order different instructions.
In Maths this week, we have been learning about negative numbers, comparing and order objects, understanding Roman Numerals and using column addition. We have been working hard to beat our personal scores in our TT grids and this has been brilliant to see!
In Science, we have been learning about teeth, their purpose and how they are structured. We have been learning to recognise how we can best keep our teeth healthy and what causes unhealthy teeth.
PE was really exciting this week as we had Mr Huartson come in to develop our ball skills. We had great fun and we look forward to seeing him again soon for more fun PE lessons!
Don't forget that on Monday, we will be counting the number of reads recorded in reading diaries ready for the reading awards next week. Each record must have been signed by an adult for it to contribute towards the reading award. Remember that 50 reads gets our bronze award!
Week commencing 9th October
We have had an exciting week in school this week with our Harvest Assembly. We all worked hard and stood up proudly to perform our class poems and sang the harvest songs beautifully. We hope you enjoyed the video!
We have done lots of Science learning this week and it has been very interesting and exciting. We have learned lots of really interesting facts too!
Did you know that both humans and giraffes have 7 bones in their neck? WOW!
We have been labelling and learning the names for the different bones in our bodies. Our favourite scientific word of the week was 'phalanges!'

Week Commencing 21st September
In English we have been mapping the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory after finished the class book! We have started to re-write the story and have been focussing on included lots of description to engage the reader. They sound great so far!
We have been developing our multiplication knowledge and have started new times table sticker charts. We are very excited to be filling these up!
We have been learning to solve problems around place values and develop our reasoning and explaining skills when solving problems. We have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest ten.
We have been learning how to create different textures using watercolours and the results have been amazing! The children painted pictures of baskets of fruit and really worked hard to create the texture of the basket and to create different shaded effects for the fruit. I was very impressed with the results!
Week Commencing 7th September
This week we have enjoyed our first week back together after so long...
We have worked hard to establish new routines within class and although it has been very tiring, we have really enjoyed being back!
This week we have started reading the text 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.' We are really enjoying both hearing the story being read aloud and independently reading the different parts of the story. The children never want to stop!
We have been using this text as inspiration for our writing, supported by short clips from the original Willy Wonka film and have been really focusing on using a rich range of descriptive language in our writing. We have used a thesaurus to look up synonyms to include in our writing to make it more exciting to read. Some of the adjectives have been fantastic, with a favourite being 'delectable.' Wow! We have also been ensuring that we are using punctuation (full stops, capital letters and commas) both correctly and consistently and we are working on being able to proof read our work to be able to spot the errors.
We enjoyed our Netball lesson this week where we were developing our chest pass skills with a partner.

Design Technology
We designed our own sweet treats. We drew them, coloured them and labelled the different ingredients used to make them. We really thought carefully about the flavours that we thought would work well together and came up with some very interesting creations!