Class information
Owl Class
Class teachers: Mrs Graves (Year 5/6 English + Year 5 Maths) & Mr Forster
LSA: Mrs Robertson (Monday- Friday mornings)
On a Friday afternoon, Mr Forster and Mrs Graves will be out of class for planning, preparation and assessment time. Mrs Welch will be teaching music with the children first and then Mrs Wilkinson will be teaching French.
We will have PE on a Tuesday afternoon and for this term will be outside. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in each week (white T-shirt and navy shorts) and they are suitable dressed for the colder months (navy tracksuit bottoms).
Our swimming lessons will take place every Monday afternoon.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and then expected in again the following Friday morning. The homework will either be maths or English (which are set on alternate weeks). We also expect children to have completed their TT rockstars (only 10 minutes!) and their five personalised spellings which they been given in class.
Please ensure you are listening to your child read as frequently as possible and that their reading diaries are signed.
We also have our whole class reading assemblies each term to celebrate the children's reading and love of books:
50 times= Bronze
100 times= Silver
200 times= Gold
Over 200= Platinum (a £5 book voucher is given for this achievement).