School Logo

East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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Class Information

Welcome to Robin Class!

Class teacher: Mrs Sarah Trigg-Hayes

LSA: Mrs Julia Tickner

LSA: Mrs Harriet Goddard (Monday-Friday mornings) 

LSA: Mrs Jess Crow (Monday afternoon) 

LSA: Mrs Rachel Haldane (Tuesday afternoon) 

LSA: Mrs Claire Peacock (Wednesday/Thursday afternoon)

LSA: Mrs Sharron Walker (Friday afternoon)



The Year 1's in Robins will take part in swimming lessons every Tuesday afternoon with our swimming teacher Kate. They will be taught in small groups and then will come back to the classroom to continue their work. Thank you for providing their kits! Reception children will begin swimming after the Easter Holidays.



PE will be on Thursdays. We will sometimes be inside or outside, but as the colder months arrive please ensure that everyone has a navy hoodie and joggers. The East Hanningfield kit is a white top, navy shorts and plimsolls or trainers. Thank you so much smiley

