What we have been learning about this week
Week beginning: 9th September 2024
Good afternoon!
This week in maths, year 1 have been representing objects, recognising numbers as words, counting on from any number and finding one more than a given number. I have been really impressed with how they are all working through their challenges! In year 2, the children have been using place value charts, partitioning numbers to 100, writing numbers in words and flexibly partitioning numbers. The work produced in the books has been so neat this week year 2s!
In English, we did some research about woodland animals which everyone enjoyed and it was so lovely to hear about the children's experiences of seeing woodland animals. We then did a reading comprehension about foxes and used the facts we learnt to write sentences. I wonder if your child can tell you any of the knowledge they have retained about foxes? We also wrote sentences about a scenic enchanted woodland picture which were brilliant! Phonics and SPaG started this week! The children are super at organising themselves with their whiteboards and pens and year 1 were learning the 'ay' digraph whilst the year 2s were learning the 'y' as 'igh' spelling. Our reading skills also began this week and we are reading 'The Bog Baby' using VIPERS. Some of the questions this week have been:
What deal do the girls make with each other?
How big is the puddle? What synonyms for this word can you think of?
During our learning in the foundation subjects this week we were identifying different light sources and how they affect the senses in RE. In art, we were mixing primary colours with paint. In geography we were naming human and physical features and in science we learnt about mammals. We even had swimming begin again which was so exciting and the children loved it this afternoon! A very busy week!
Homework this week is maths and spellings. I have also included the phonics booklets that you might like to read one evening instead of your child's normal reading book. This aligns with the phonics/spelling being taught in class from the previous week. Thank you for all of the homework that came in for last week- it was brilliant!
Congratulations to Willow and Riah for their awards today
Enjoy your weekend!
Mrs Woollard
Week beginning: 2nd September 2024
Good afternoon!
We have had such a brilliant first week back and I am so impressed with all of the Doves for how they have behaved, worked extremely hard and quickly adapted to the rules and routines of our classroom.
In maths this week, the year 1 children have been sorting objects, counting objects and counting objects from a larger group. In year 2, the children have been counting to 20, counting objects to 100 making 10s and recognising tens and ones. Some super work in maths books this week!
In English, we wrote captions to go with pictures based on the story 'The truth about my unbelievable summer'. We also wrote about ourselves and our families and did some work on full stops. The children really enjoyed a game we played which you can find here: https://www.roythezebra.com/english-ks1/punctuation-games/full-stops/
Everyone should have taken home a homework folder today with English homework and spellings. English homework is to write a sentence or sentences about a favourite woodland animal. Spellings are also included in homework and can be practised at home throughout the week ready for a mini test next Friday morning. Spellings are individualised to each child, so if they do get one wrong it is absolutely fine they will just practise and have it the next week too.
Next week, we kick start our topic 'The Enchanted Woodland' and we begin our phonics and SPaG lessons. Swimming begins on Wednesday afternoon and we will have our first Shine award and handwriting award on Friday! We finished this week with PE and the children looked incredible in their fresh kits so thank you so much parents for getting us all sorted!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Mrs Woollard