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East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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Humanities (History, Geography and RE)



History Intent:

Throughout our history curriculum we aim to inspire a passion for learning about the past in Britain and the wider world. We encourage children to be curious to know more about the past and to have the skills required to explore their own interests. History lessons focus on working as historians and developing historical skills and there are many opportunities for the curriculum to be enriched through historical visits, visitors and events held in school. Children will leave East Hanningfield with a knowledge and understanding of historical events locally, nationally and internationally and how they have impacted on our lives today. They will develop perceptive questioning skills that enable them to use and evaluate historical evidence as a source of information and think critically. 


History Skills Progression Map

Examples of work and our memorable learning experiences in History at East Hanningfield Primary School. 



Geography Intent:

Our Geography curriculum aims for children to understand and appreciate the wider world and the different communities living within it with curiosity, fascination and respect for our diverse planet and its natural and human environment. We aim for children to develop an understanding of the challenges that our world faces. Children will leave East Hanningfield having acquired the skills and knowledge to allow them to become the future Geographers of tomorrow.


Examples of work and memorable learning experiences in Geography at East Hanningfield Primary School

Religious Education


As a school we follow The Essex Sacre Essex Agreed Syllabus for RE 


Being a Church of England school, the curriculum is taught with a Christian ethos and direction. Children take part in daily worship activities and have a collective worship assembly each morning. Children are encouraged and adults model our Key Christian Values in action daily. Being a Church of England school, the curriculum is taught with a Christian ethos and direction.


Our RE curriculum is designed to reflect our community, with a main focus on religions which are close to our community, such as Christianity, as well as offering lots of opportunity for in-depth learning about other religious communities across Britain and the world.  We believe this diverse offer develops the whole child, underpinned by our school vision and values of compassion, community and responsibility.  Through our vision and values, we aim to support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development so children are socially aware and respectful of all faiths and are prepared to be compassionate members of our local and worldwide community as they take the next step in their lives.


