Robin Class Information
Curriculum Newsletter
Robin class ~ Autumn Term - 2019
This term, our topics are 'All About Me', 'People who help us' and 'Celebrations'.
Here are some of our learning activities ...
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
This term we will talk about ourselves and will be finding out about our new friends in class.
We will share with friends our experiences in and out of school.
Each week we will share Oscar Bears Adventure’s. Every Friday Oscar Bear will spend the weekend with a different child, please write a short diary, add pictures and share something you have done at the weekend.
Communication and Language / Reading and Writing
We will be learning phase two letters and sounds and also our tricky words We will apply these skills during our reading and writing activities.
Mathematical Development
In maths, we will be learning to count everyday objects of up to at least twenty.We will also be finding one more or less from a group of up to 10 objects. We will also be learning about shape, length and capacity.
Physical Development
In P.E, we will be developing skills in gymnastics and dance. We will also talk about healthy diets and lifestyles.
Understanding the World
We will be exploring our local environment and finding out about changes such as the weather and seasons. We will also be learning about the different jobs that people do when we learn about 'People who help us'.
Expressive Art and Design
We will explore what happens when we mix colours and choose particular colours to use for a purpose.
A few extra notes...
- Our P.E day is Wednesday. We ask that you make sure that ALL your child’s clothes are marked with their name, as you can appreciate the children are still very young and are not always able to recognise their own uniform, especially when they are all so similar.
- Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing, as we like to be outside whenever possible.
- We have ‘Show and Tell’ on a Friday. Children may bring in something small from home and keep it in the special box to show and talk about with their friends during carpet time. This could either be linked to our topic or it could be an item linked to achievement or personal interest, e.g. a certificate ( no toys please).
- A reading book will be sent home regularly (please could you sign the reading record book so that we know it has been completed at home). Sounds and tricky words booklets will also be sent home to practise.