Summer 1
Our topic for summer 1 is 'Teams'.

EYFS Literacy: This term the early years children will be focussing on how to write a simple phonetic sentence. They will continue to have their weekly reading and writing challenges that they will complete during play and learn time.
Year 1 English: Over the next seven weeks in English we will be creating an information booklet on Olympic sports and writing a character description based on our own invented mascots! During these lessons we will be focusing on capital letters, finger space and full stops. In our reading skills (VIPERS) lessons our book focus is going to be 'After the fall- How Humpty Dumpty got back up again' by Dan Santat. This is currently one of the most popular books for ages 5-7, so I am looking forward to us getting stuck into this and looking at the vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summary questions we can answer. Some other texts we will be reading are 'Ready Steady Mo!' by Kes Gray and Marta Kissi (if you love the Oi! books you will love this one!) and Supertato- run veggies run! By Paul Linnet and Sue Hendra.
Early Years Phonics:
The Early Years children will be continuing learning the phase 3 sounds, they will be practising reading the digraphs in the context of a word, writing words and simple phonetic sentences. We have lots of fun games planned to! There will also be some phase 4 blends in the lessons to ensure challenge for all. Please continue practising their phonics booklets when you read daily as this will really help them to quickly recognise each sound which will support them when reading words and blending.
Year 1 Phonics:
This term, the year 1s will be continuing with phase 5 phonics and moving on to 5c. We have recapped phase 5a and 5b and we will be moving onto phase 5c. It is so important to keep going over the phase 3 and 5 digraphs so that they are embedded in our brains, and we will be spotting them in words throughout our phonics lessons. Please continue practising their phonics booklets when you read daily as this will really help them to secure their blending of sounds.
Early Years Maths:
This term in maths the children will spend the first three weeks learning about the numbers 11-20 and carefully counting objects, using ten frames and numicon. The last few weeks will be an introduction to simple addition and subtraction, this will be taught using lots of concrete apparatus such as numicon, counters and objects.
Year 1 Maths:
At this point in the year we are developing our mastery skills in maths even more by completing more 'reasoning' questions. In year 1 this term we will be moving on to multiplication and division, fractions and geometry: position and direction. In maths lessons they will continue completing fluency, reasoning and problem solving challenges. We also ensure they have concrete apparatus such as counters, tens frames and numicon to support their understanding.
In science this term we are learning about materials and their properties, we will also be completing a floating and sinking challenge. We will be continuing with our unit of animals including humans. We will learn about the life cycle of a plant and a butterfly. In addition we will be learning about our body as our topic is ‘teams’ and we will also be learning about healthy eating and the importance of balanced diet.
Outdoor learning: This term we will be planting vegetables and sunflowers, going on scavenger hunts and pond dipping as this was so popular last term.
Our topic of 'Teams' has some history within it, as we will be looking at the story of the Olympics and we will be learning lots about the ancient Olympic games. In our foundation subject lessons we will also be looking at the Olympic rings, the Olympic torch, Olympic medals, the Paralympics and the Olympics that are going ahead in Japan this year.
Art and Design:
This term in art we will be completing lots of different Olympic art using different resources and materials. I am really looking forward to doing some abstract art with the children using watercolour paints and we will be designing, producing and evaluating our own Olympic t-shirts to wear at our Olympic sports afternoon at the end of the topic.
Religious Education:
This term we will be learning about special places at home and within the community, we will then learn about special places to Christians and Muslims.
In PE this term we will be focusing on a different Olympic sport each week. We will be doing running relays and 100m sprint in the first week back which I am looking forward to! We will also be learning about the Olympian who participate in the sports. At the end of week 7 (end of term) we will have an Olympic afternoon completing different sports and there will be medals and podiums for our ceremony after! We also have swimming to look forward too as well this term, so we can see if we have any Michael Phelps or Rebecca Adlington's in our class.
As always reading is very important, especially in early years and year one therefore, if you can read with your child at least 3 times a week it will really make a difference! It is important to also revisit the phonics booklet a few times a week to ensure they are secure with the sounds taught so far. The VIPERS questions are stapled into the front cover of the reading diary for you to access as well. I was so proud to see lots of Robin class achieving their bronze, silver and even gold certificates at the end of last term!
Year 1:
A new piece of either English or maths (alternated) will be given out each Friday and expected back in or uploaded on to DOJO by the following Friday. This will relate to the teaching in class from that week to build on the learning. There will also be spellings too, please practise these every few days and we will do an informal spelling check on Friday afternoon. Any spellings your child does not get correct will follow on to the next week.
I’m really looking forward to this term and I’m sure the children will love it too! As always if you have any questions please send me a DOJO message or catch me after school.
Miss Cormick