Year 1
Online learning for the week beginning: 8th February 2021
Hello This is the final week of online learning although I am sure it is in your diaries! You have all worked so hard to ensure these six weeks have gone as smoothly as possible and I couldn't be a happier and any more proud for all of the fantastic work that I have had come through from the children. One last week before a break- we can totally do this!
Below is the link to the timetable for week 6 of online learning, and I will be posting my links on vimeo for English, phonics, reading vipers and handwriting through dojo the previous afternoon ready for the next day of learning.
This week the children will be counting in 2s and 5s and I've added some 10s on Friday (although they are super confident at the 10 times table). There are video clip links on the timetable for Monday-Thursday, and worksheets to complete each day of the week.
Below are the worksheets for this week (please note on Monday and Wednesday you need pages 3 and 4):
The poems from last week really blew me away and I hope the children had lots of fun creating them! The rhyming words that they came up with were superb! This week we are going to complete a week on instructions. We have done this before in class when we wrote instructions of how to make a ship's biscuit. Our book focus will be 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick King Smith, and the children will build up throughout the week to write some instructions on how to cross a road safely on Friday. It is a chapter book, and therefore I will be reading some of the story at the end of the day too, so hopefully the children can watch the clips and follow the story with me. There is also a PowerPoint of the book if they would like to read it at home independently or as a family. Below are the worksheets and the story PowerPoint that you will need for next week (please note that on Wednesday the children can choose whether to do page 2 or 3):
We are now on phase 5b! If you can still do the flashcards with the children that will be fantastic, but I am so pleased with the phonics work that has been sent through to me. As we go through phase 5b it will enhance the children's learning as they will recognise alternative pronunciations. I will send video clip links for Monday-Thursday, and then on Friday there is no new sound but a recap lesson on all of the previous digraphs.
The activities for this week are:
Reading Vipers
This is the last week of reading Vipers with our class book 'Meerkat Mail'. This week the children will answer questions on inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summary. I really hope the children have enjoyed the story, and Vipers is a great way of really unpicking the text. The question and answer sheet for this week is below:
In handwriting this week I would like you to practise writing your full name. Everyone can write their first name, but it would be really good if you could practise your middle name and surnames . Remember those capital letters at the beginning!
Below are the resources that you will need for RE, Art, Geography, Science and other extra bits. In half term we will be missing Valentine's Day and Shrove Tuesday, so some activities are relevant to those particular dates. I will explain all of the topic bits more on the morning clips and zoom.