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East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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Year 2

Online learning for the week beginning: 22nd February 2021

Welcome back to the Spring 2 term! smiley I hope everyone has had a lovely half term break, so now you are ready for our new topic! Originally, our topic was Rio De Viva!, however, I have decided to choose a different country to look at beforehand for these (hopefully) last two weeks of online learning. The country we are focusing on first is.... INDIA!

We will be learning about lots of different aspects to do with India, and then when we are back at school we can make headdresses, put on a carnival together and learn everything about Brazil/Rio. 

Below is the link to the timetable, and I will continue to post my links on vimeo for English, phonics, handwriting and reading vipers through dojo. 


This week the year 2s will start a new block of work on geometry: the properties of shape. They will be recognising 2D and 3D shapes, making 2D and 3D shapes, counting sides on 2D shapes, counting vertices on 2D shapes and drawing 2D shapes. The video clip links are on the timetable for you and below are the worksheets to complete. Tuesday's lesson is a practical lesson. 


This week in English we will be completing activities based on 'Elephant Dance'. The link to the video clip of the story is on the timetable (Tuesday), however, there is also a PowerPoint of the story that you might prefer to look through, and you will need for Thursday's lesson. The children will begin the week by writing a recount of their half term using time connectives, they will then listen to the story of Elephant Dance and write about/draw their favourite part, they will complete a reading comprehension and finally learn about similes. I will post a video clip for each lesson during the previous afternoon. 


For this week I would love you to finish the spelling frame as we only have 5 sessions left, therefore, it is rules number 31-35 this week. Next week we will move onto some homophone and apostrophe work. You could also practise the year 2 common exception words by spelling them instead of reading them- I would focus on 5 at a time, however, we will be doing this in class daily as soon as we are back!

Reading Vipers

This week I will introduce a new book for our reading viper lessons. This half term we are going to focus on wellbeing, especially as we will hopefully be settling back into school and a bit of normality! When we are back at school we are going to use the book 'The Koala who could' so that's something to look forward to, but for the first two weeks of the spring 2 term our book focus for vipers is going to be 'The Squirrels Who Squabbled'. I hope you will all enjoy this book too! The question and answer sheet for this week is below:


Handwriting and presentation was a huge focus this term, and I think everyone definitely succeeded in making their work lot presentable and extremely neat. This week in handwriting I would like you to write the sentence 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'. This sentence is used in handwriting interventions with KS1 children because it has every type of letter in it. I would like you to set a 3 minute timer (or longer) and see how many times you can write the sentence out in your neatest handwriting. Don't worry about the clock you're not having to beat it!


Below are the resources that you will need for our new topic. You will need these for RE, Art, Geography, Science and the creative/construction times. I will explain all of the topics in more detail on my morning clips and on zoom. 

