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East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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What we have been learning this week!

Week beginning: 1st July 2024

Good evening, 

In maths this week the children in year 1 were learning about hours, minutes and seconds and telling the time to the hour. In year 2, children were using the language of position and describing movement.


In English we wrote our debates on equality in sport and produced some wonderful top copies on this! Phonics this week was learning the un- prefix and in SPaG we were learning the dis-prefix. In our reading skills lesson we had to explain why the paper bird made Humpty Dumpty happy and we used retrieval to answer why he decided to climb the wall again. 


We had our class swap on Wednesday morning and the year 2 children came back buzzing to tell me what they had been up to in Kingfishers and the Year 1s got to meet their new class for September which was lovely for them and it is always lovely when the year 2 cohorts come back together again! 

On Thursday we had our school trip to Call of the Wild and the children were incredible! We saw so many animals and had a really good educational talk about the habitats of the animals too. I hope they all had the best time! 

To finish this week we had break the rules day! The children looked amazing in their non uniform, dyed hair and tattoos! 


Homework this week is maths, spellings and TT Rockstars. 


Congratulations to Sophie R and Luke for their awards yesyes


Have a great weekend everyone and I may see you at the village fete tomorrow! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 24th June 2024

Good afternoon! 

In maths this week, year 1 completed a little mini assessment on money to end the block of learning. We then moved on to time and learnt about before and after, the days of the week and the months of the year. In year 2 we were interpreting pictograms (1:1), drawing pictograms (2,5 and 10), interpreting pictograms (2,5 and 10) and then they completed a mini assessment on the statistics topic. Next week year 2 move onto the final unit of learning which is position and direction. 


In English this week we wrote about the ancient and modern Olympics and compared equality within sport between the two. The children had some great ideas and were arguing the points brilliantly! We wrote a persuasive letter using this language to help us with writing a debate and then we started writing our debate. Some really good language, vocabulary and general writing was evident this week- well done Doves! In phonics we had the 'ore' sound and in SPaG we looked at homophones! The children really enjoyed a game we played and the year 1 children joined in too!


In our foundation subjects we designed an Olympic t-shirt and we learnt about the Olympic medals and the Olympic torch. The children were amazed that it will be lit in Greece and then will travel to Paris this year. 


Next week we have our school trip on Thursday. If your child requires a packed lunch for this (ham or cheese baguette) please let me know by Tuesday 2nd July. 


Homework this week is English, spellings and TT Rockstars.


Congratulations to Harry and Alisha for their awards yesyes


Have the best weekend everyone! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 17th June 2024

Good evening, 

This week in maths the year 1 children have been busy with money! They were unitising numbers, recognising coins, recognising notes and then counting in coins. In year 2 the children have been loving statistics! They were making tally charts, tables, block diagrams and drawing pictograms. Some really neat work this week! 


In English we moved onto our next sequence of learning which will be to have a debate about the equality in sport. We discussed what a debate was and the purpose of a debate. We then watched some clips with Judge Jenny which the children enjoyed! We then wrote some reasons 'for' and some reasons 'against' to should we eat sweets every day? We then finished the week with a reading comprehension about plastic pollution. Phonics this week has been the unspoken e rule and in SPaG we have been looking at words with the suffixes 'ful', 'less' and 'ly'. 


We had a great PSHE lesson about money, where it comes from and how people make money. We also had some great swimming successes this week with some children taking arm bands off completely! It was hockey in PE to end the week!


Homework this week is maths, spellings and TT Rockstars. 


Congratulations to Sienna and Kali for their awards yesyes


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 10th June 2024

Good evening, 

We have had a lovely week with sports day! All of the children were amazing and really tried their best at all the events and running/egg and spoon races! 


In maths this week the year 1 children have been finding one more or one less a number up to 100, comparing numbers with the same amount of tens and then comparing any number up to 100. Year 2 children have been telling the time to 5 minutes, learning about minutes in an hour and how many hours are in a day. 


In English this week we gathered information about Olympics sports, we completed a reading comprehension about the Ancient Olympics and planned our information booklet. There were no new phonics or SPaG sounds/spelling rules as year 1 had their phonics screening and year 2 did some consolidation. Year 1 did SO well with their screening checks and I was such a proud teacher beaming with pride at how much progress they have all made! Thank you for your support at home too with this. 


We did some Olympic rings art using water colour paints through the week and we did some wellbeing activities in PSHE. 


Homework this week is English, spellings and TT Rockstars. 


Congratulations to Dylan and Jude for their awards this week yesyes


I hope all of the amazing dads (and those mums doing both jobs!) from Doves have a lovely day on Sunday heart

Have a super weekend everyone! 


Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 3rd June 2024

Good afternoon, 

What a busy first week back we have had! In maths this week, the children in year 1 have been counting from 50-10, grouping tens, partitioning tens and ones in numbers to 100 and using a number line to 100. In year 2, the children have been learning quarter past and quarter to, telling the time past the hour and telling the time to the hour. For the rest of the school year I will be doing time with the children at random parts of the day, so they get used to telling the time as it is such a life skill. If your child can get a little analogue watch that would be super but no pressure to! 


In English year 1 have been learning the 3 different ways of the air sound, such as are and ear! In SPaG, the year 2 children have been learning the spelling rule of 'tion'. We have started our new reading skills book and the children are doing some brilliant inference from the pictures! It is a very clever book! We have also been doing lots of research about the Olympics this week ready to write up our information booklets about Olympic sports next week! 


The year 2 children went to mini games on Thursday and they were complete superstars! They were brilliant representatives of our school and I am so proud of them! I was so gutted to miss it, but it was lovely hearing all about when they got back! 


Homework this week is maths and spellings. Year 1 have their phonics screening check next week, so they have an extra reading sheet if they would like to practise! Year 2 have the mini clocks in their homework packs, but I will need them back at the end of next week if possible! 


Congratulations to Jac and Mya for their awards today yesyes


I hope you all enjoy the inflatables and have a really lovely weekend heart


Mrs Woollard smiley


I hope you have a lovely week with your friends and families! 

Week beginning: 13th May 2024

Good afternoon! 

This week in maths, year 1 have been finding a quarter of an object or shape, recognising a quarter of a quantity, finding a quarter of a quantity and then we have just moved onto position and direction where the children were describing turns. In year 2, we have also been continuing with fractions and the children were learning unit and non-unit fractions, recognising the equivalence of a half and two quarters and recognising 3/4. 


In English this week, we have moved onto our last writing sequence for this half term and we will be writing a letter to a member of The Royal Family. We began by identifying the features of a letter and spoke about formal and informal letters. We then completed a reading comprehension associated with a letter from a doctor informing Mr Jenner he had an appointment for an operation on his left knee. Also, we were correcting sentences with capital letters and full stops and year 2 were correcting possessive apostrophes. 

In phonics this week year 1 have been learning the -er and -ing suffixes. During SPaG, we have been learning the wa (wo) and qua (quo) spelling rules. Some of our reading skills questions this week have been:

-Which word on page 53 is similar to the words 'held' or 'cuddled'? 

-Predict what Harmony will wish for next. 


We were learning about the traditions and rules of Shabbat in RE, we did a royal family tree in history and were learning about wildflower and garden plants in science. We managed to find lots of wildflower plants in our school grounds such as daisies, dandelions, buttercups and stinging nettles. We also spotted two gorgeous roses that were planted! 


Homework this week is maths, spellings and TT Rockstars please! 


Congratulations to Nate and Sophie R for their awards today yesyes


Have a lovely weekend everyone! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 6th May 2024

Good evening smiley

This week in maths it has been all about fractions! The year 1 children have been recognising a half of a quantity, finding half of a quantity and recognising a quarter of an object or shape. In year 2, the children have been recognising a third, finding a third of a number and then we practised finding a half, quarter and third of a number. They have really impressed me with this and year 2 can practise their 3 times table on TT Rockstars! 


In English this week we have been planning and then writing a sequel to The King's Pants! The children designed their own pants and then had some interesting ideas of what was happening when The King put their pants on! I have been smiling reading these this week that's for sure! We didn't have our usual phonics and SPaG lessons this week as we were recapping, but the children did brilliantly and it was good to consolidate all of the learning. In reading skills, we were waiting to read whether or not Harmony got her first wish and she did! A pet rabbit of her own! 


We also learnt about Alfred the Great in history and all the great things he did, we learnt about tree parts in science and we finished with some running races and egg and spoon races in PE this afternoon! 


Homework this week is English (spelling, punctuation and grammar papers to have a go at), spellings and TT Rockstars! 


Congratulations to Saylor and Jac for their awards yesyes


Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 29th April 2024

Good evening! This week in maths, the year 1 children have been making equal groups by grouping, making equal groups by sharing, recognising a half of an object or shape and finding a half of an object or shape. Year 2 have been learning to recognise a half, they then found half of a number, recognised a quarter and then found a quarter of a number which we will continue next week. There has been some beautifully presented work in both year groups this week, so I have attached some pictures. 


In English this week we have been reading and reviewing two new books- The King's Hats and The King's Pants! The children thoroughly enjoyed them! We then looked at nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs and did some work on upscaling sentences. The children definitely made my boring sentences so much more interesting! In phonics this week the year 1 children have been learning the 'tch' sound and in SPaG the year 2 children have been learning the s/(zh) spelling such as 'measure'. In reading skills Harmony has just got her present from Uncle Ginger.... it is lots of clues like a treasure hunt and we can't wait to see what she will find next week! 


In our foundation subjects this week we have been learning about Henry VIII! I wonder if the children can remember how many wives he had? What was he longing for? How many children did he have? We also learnt that he was a very tall and large man, he loved jousting and he introduced the Church of England. In RE we learnt what is on the Shabbat table and there were some brilliant drawings of this. 

Swimming started this week again for the summer and the children had a brilliant time! Thank you to our lovely ladies supporting us with getting changed and we loved seeing Kate again! 

Talk time also began this week and Dylan and Ivy did a fabulous job of talking all about their hobbies! 


Homework this week is maths, spellings and TT Rockstars! 


Congratulations to Oliver and Sienna for their awards yesyes


Have a super bank holiday weekend! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 22nd April 2024

Good afternoon! 

This week in maths, year 1 have been recognising equal groups, adding equal groups, making arrays and doubling! Year 2 have been completing four operations with volume and capacity, exploring temperature and then we moved onto fractions, where we were identifying parts and a whole and exploring equal and unequal parts. Some gorgeous maths work has been presented in books this week, so well done Doves! 


In English, we have been writing a biography about ourselves, we then planned a biography and wrote one in draft of King Charles III. The children have learnt about when he was born, who is in his family and his lifetime achievements. The presentation really has been outstanding and the children have amazed me with how they have retained the facts! I am very excited to see these published next week! 


In our foundation subjects the children have been learning about the creation story in RE, we looked at different objects and discussed why they would belong to a monarch and in science we were learning about recycling and sustainability. We started practising for sports day in PE, which was lots of fun! 


Homework this week is English, spellings and TT Rockstars. 


Congratulations to Lara and Charlie for their awards today yesyes


Our lovely Connor leaves us today to move to a new school closer to his home. Thank you for always making us laugh, we will miss your celebration dance for roast gammon and your new school and new teacher are extremely lucky to have you! 


Have a fantastic weekend everybody! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 15th April 2024

Good evening! 

This week in maths the year 1 children have been comparing capacity, counting in 2s, counting in 5s and counting in 10s. The year 2 children have been learning four operations with mass, comparing volume and capacity, measuring in millilitres and measuring in litres. 


In English we started the week with a recount of our Easter holiday and then we moved on to our learning sequence of biography writing. We used books and the internet to find out questions all about King Charles III life, we looked at the features of a biography and then we completed some work on using commas in a list. Next week we will work up to publishing a biography about our King. 

In phonics we have been adding -s and -es to root words and in SPaG we have been learning the 'war' and 'wor' sounds and spelling rules. We began our new class text 'The Queen's Nose' and the children are enjoying this chapter book so far with Harmony and Rex Ruff Monty! 


In our foundation subjects we have drawing portraits of The King in art and in science we were learning about the importance of caring for our planet which the children loved! I have attached some pictures from the end of last term to show some amazing artwork inspired by Alfred Wallis and newspaper reports based on 'The Pirates Next Door'. 


Homework is maths, spellings and TT Rockstars! 


Congratulations to Sophie S and Nate for their awards yes


I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Happy Easter everyone! 

Week beginning: 18th March 2024

Hello! This week in maths, year 1 have been measuring length in centimetres, looking at objects weighing heavier or lighter, measuring mass and comparing mass. In year 2, the children have been measuring in metres, comparing lengths and heights, ordering lengths and heights and using the four operations with lengths and heights. Lots of practical work this week which the children have enjoyed! 


In English, we have been highlighting the features of a newspaper report, writing captions and headlines and we wrote a short newspaper report about the new Orangutans at Port Lymphe Park which the children absolutely loved! They loved watching the clip of Hadjah and Malou arriving from Switzerland and we all now want to visit! I have also attached some pictures of our pirate poems!

In phonics this week the children have been adding the -ed suffix onto words and in SPaG we have been learning contraction apostrophes. 


In our foundation subjects we have been learning all about Grace Darling and the children completed some lovely writing after sequencing the pictures of her famous story. In science we were learning about carnivores and omnivores! 


Homework this week is maths, spellings and TT Rockstars! 


Congratulations to Connor and Freddy for their awards today yes


Happy Birthday to Phoebe for Sunday! heart


I hope everyone has a really lovely weekend and I will look forward to all things Easter next week! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 11th March 2024

Good afternoon! What a busy week! 

In maths, the children have been completing maths assessments as it was assessment week. When they were not doing assessments, the year 1 children were comparing length and height and measuring length using objects. Year 2 were looking at the similarities of the 5 and 10 times tables and then measuring in centimetres. 

In English this week we have been planning and writing our diary entries. The language used was amazing and I can't wait to see the finished top copies of these! We have also completed a writing assessment. In phonics, the year 1 children have learnt the ie as ee sound like in chief and brownies. The year 2 children in SPaG have been adding -er, -est and -y suffixes to CVC and CVCC words. I am really proud of all of the children for their progress in reading! 


The year 2 children were spectacular this week being part of the infant music festival on Wednesday! They took part in a great show, Eddie and the Penguins which was all about saving our planet! 

We also wished Mrs Wilkinson well today as she goes off on maternity leave to have her baby girl! The children made a scone and enjoyed that with her, whilst also playing a game of baby girl bingo and singing a lovely song! We made a special card for her to keep with lots of lovely messages and predictions on what she may call her little girl along with what the little girl will be like! 


Homework this week is English (exclamation sentences), spellings and TT Rockstars. 


Congratulations to Jude and Alisha for their awards today yesyes


Happy Birthday to Kali for tomorrow! 


Have a brilliant weekend everyone!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 4th March 2024

Good afternoon, 

This week in maths, year 1 have been estimating on a number line to 50, learning one more and one less than a given number within 50 and have moved onto their next unit of learning which is length and height where they were comparing the lengths and heights of objects. In year 2, the children have been working on the 5 and 10 times tables and then dividing by 10 and 5. I have said that they can now practise division within these times tables on TT Rockstars! 


In English, we have been writing up our pirate poems with rhyming words! We have also completed lots of work around vocabulary, as on Thursday it was World Book Day! Thank you so much for all of the effort made with costumes and we had some fabulous words! In phonics, we have been learning the 'ea' as an 'e' sound and in SPaG we have learnt the 'ey' spelling rule. 


In our history lesson we learnt all about the pirate Anne Bonny! We found out that she used to dress up as a man to get onto the pirate ships as she wouldn't be allowed as a woman and she was a really super pirate! 


Homework this week is spellings, maths and TT Rockstars. 


Congratulations to Kali and Finlay for their awards this week yesyes


I hope all of our wonderful mums in Doves class have a lovely day on Sunday! heart

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 26th February 2024

Good afternoon!

It has been a lovely first week back in our new topic Pesky Pirates! During maths, the year 1 children have been counting by making groups of ten, focusing on tens and ones and then partitioning tens and ones. They have also been using a number line to 50. In year 2, the children have been learning the 2 times table, dividing by 2, doubling and halving numbers and then looking at odd and even numbers. 


In English this week we have been writing a recount about our half term and then we looked at two pirate poems which the children loved! We highlighted the rhyming words and then wrote our own rhyming strings. Finally, we changed parts of one poem with our own rhyming words- amazing! In phonics we have learnt the ph digraph in words such as 'dolphin' and 'phone' and in SPaG we have been learning the o spelling but sounding like a u in words like 'brother' and 'month'. Our new reading skills book is a real hit and the children can't wait to see what happens to Matilda and her new pirate neighbours! 


In our foundation subjects this week we have been learning about the Easter story in RE, reptiles in science and in PE we had the gymnastic equipment out which the children loved! They were very sensible and safe! In history, we learnt all about Captain Blackbeard and how his real name is Edward Teach, his ship was called Queen Anne's Revenge and he lit his beard on fire so smoke would follow him! The children then produced some fabulous WANTED posters!


Homework this week is English, spellings and some TT Rockstars. The children need to match the rhyming words and then see if they can write their own rhyming string with some of the words they do not match up. 


Congratulations to Harry and Ivy for their awards today yesyes


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 19th February 2024

Happy Half Term! smiley

This week in maths, the year 1 children have been exploring related facts, missing number problems, counting from 20-50 and then focusing on the tens 20, 30, 40 and  50. In year 2, the children have been completing multiplication sentences, using arrays, making equal groups by grouping and making equal groups by sharing. Lots of really lovely presentation in the year 2 books this week, especially as they have been writing multiplication and division sentences. 


In English this week we have been doing lots of creative writing based on our reading skills book 'The Mermaid and the Shoe'. We wrote character descriptions of Minnow, a setting description and then a sequel to the rest of the story. Phonics for this week has been learning the g/j and c/s sounds and in SPaG we have been adding -ing and -ed to CVC and CVCC words. 


We enjoyed Shrove Tuesday, learning all about lent and why we have pancake races. The children completed some lovely writing and drawings and then at the end of the day we flipped some pancakes and enjoyed a sweet treat! 


Homework this week is maths, spellings and TT Rockstars! I have also sent home the new reading challenge that Mrs Stainsbury has launched at school. Congratulations to Sophie R, Sophie S and Dylan for their 1st/2nd/3rd times table awards! 


Congratulations to Lara and Florence for their awards yesyes


Enjoy the week break everybody! Have a great one heart

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 5th February 2024

Good afternoon, 

We have had a really busy week this week with lots of learning! In maths the year 1 children have been calculating near doubles, subtracting ones using number bonds, subtracting by counting back subtracting by finding the difference. In year 2 we have moved onto the multiplication and division unit of learning and this week have been recognising equal groups, making equal groups, adding equal groups and introducing the multiplication symbol. 


In English this week we have been looking at imperative (bossy) verbs and then have written a set of instructions on how to cross the road. We then made our own cups of tea and wrote a set of instructions for how to make tea! The children absolutely loved this, and so I have set some extra homework to make a cup of tea at home for any parents or family members! We have some lovely instructions written up and the children have certainly focused on their handwriting when publishing. 


This week has also been children's mental health week, where the theme this year was 'My voice matters'. We had an assembly on this on Monday and have been completing little activities around this theme throughout the week such as things we are proud of. We also read the book 'Speak up' which sends a great message about this topic! On Tuesday it was internet safety day and the children loved our story about Mo and Jaz playing video games online. I have attached the link to this story on dojo in case you would like to share it at home. 


Thank you for coming to our class family lunch on Wednesday! The children thoroughly enjoyed it and it was lovely to watch them with you all smiley


Homework this week is an art competition. It would be lovely for the children to take part in the WOW challenge badge creation. They need to design a badge with a theme of 'Walk with imagination' and there are some ideas on the page. 


Congratulations to Charlie and Brogan for their awards this week yesyes


We finish Friday with a disco! Enjoy the weekend everyone! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 29th January 2024

Good afternoon, 

This week in maths the children have been consolidating their learning on place value within 20 for year 1s and money for year 2s. There has been some really good presentation in books and I am looking forward to moving onto more addition and subtraction for year 1 and multiplication and division for year 2 next week. 


In English this week we have been writing command sentences with imperative verbs. The children have enjoyed this and will support us moving forward with our instruction writing next week. In phonics this week the children have learnt the 'ow/oe' sounds like in snow and toe. In SPaG this week the children have learnt the 'mb' spelling rule in words such as lamb, crumb and limb. 


The children performed a lovely class assembly for us all on Wednesday and did so well speaking clearly and confidently to everyone. We are looking forward to our class family lunch with you all next Wednesday 7th February and the children will have a place mat made for you smiley.


We have made some lovely bird feeders this week which relates to our science learning, and we have put them up around the school grounds for the birds to enjoy! 


Homework this week is English, spellings (back to normal) and TT Rockstars. 


Congratulations to Saylor and Sophie R for their awards in celebration assembly yesyes


Have a really lovely weekend everyone!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 22nd January 2024

Hello! This week in maths the year 1 children have been adding by counting on within 20, adding ones using number bonds, finding and making number bonds to 20 and making doubles. In year 2, the children have been calculating with money, making a pound, finding the change and completing two step problems. 


In English this week we have been focusing on sentence structure, punctuation and improving/upskilling sentences to make them more interesting. I have really noticed this increasing the children's language too. In phonics the children were learning the 'ow' digraph and in SPaG the children were adding -est and -y to words ending in 'e'. In reading skills, some of our questions have been: 

How do we know the crabs are afraid of Minnow?

Who do you think Minnow will ask after the Octopus? 

Explain why the shoe does not make a very good jewel box. 


In our foundation subjects I was really impressed with the language used in our RE lesson! Everyone remembered the items on the Puja tray and we learnt the new word 'Mantra' which is the music played in the temple. In French, the children learnt how to say how old they were and in Science we learnt about birds. We were very lucky to have a visit from Hetty the hen along with Lottie and Tillie's mum in Robins class which was lovely! 


Homework this week is maths and TT Rockstars. Spellings will resume as normal from next Friday, but I have been told that our lovely LSAs organised some spellings from our reading skills book if the children want to do these. Next week we have our class assembly on Wednesday 31st January at 9:10am and it should last around 20-25 minutes. 


Congratulations to Nate and Phoebe for their awards yesyes


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and hopefully we are all back to health next week! Thank you for all of the get well wishes.

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 15th January 2024

Good afternoon, 

What a hardworking and chilly week the children have had! In maths, year 1 have been using a number line to 20, estimating on a number line to 20, comparing numbers to 20 and ordering numbers to 20. In year 2, children have been counting money in pounds and pence, choosing notes and coins to show a given amount, making the same amount and comparing money. 


In English, the children have been writing about the seven continents of the World and I am looking forward to seeing their finished information booklets next week! In phonics we have been learning the y (as ee) sound in words such as sunny and tummy. In SPaG, the year 2 children have learnt the ture (as cher) spelling in words such as adventure and vulture. 


Through the foundation subjects we have continued our learning on mechanisms in D&T, learnt about the puja tray in Hinduism through RE, we learnt about mammals in science and we finished the week with some outdoor PE in cold temperatures but lovely sunshine! 


Homework this week is to write a sequence of sentences about two continents, spellings and TT Rockstars. 


Congratulations to Dylan and Oliver for their awards yes


Have a brilliant weekend Doves!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 8th January 2024

Good afternoon! 

We have had a great start back to begin the spring term. On dojo I have posted our curriculum map with details about our next topic: Small school, BIG questions! 


In maths this week the year 1 children have been understanding 17, 18, 19 and 20, finding one more or one less than a given number within 20 and using a number line to 20. In year 2, the children have been sorting 3D shapes and making patterns with 2D and 3D shapes. We then moved onto money where the children were counting in pence and pounds. 


Since we came back on 4th, the children have wrote a recount of their Christmas holiday. We then collated information about what we already know about the World, and then completed a reading comprehension about the continents to learn more about it. Also, we wrote sentences using conjunctions about each of the seven continents and I was so impressed with the facts that they were all able to retain! 


In our foundation subjects we were exploring and comparing items using our senses in RE, and in Geography the children created their own posters about the World and all they had learnt. In French, we were saying how old we are and recapped our learning from the previous term. In science, we were learning about planting in the winter in PSHE we were learning how to respond to adults politely and safely. 


Homework this week is maths, spellings and TT Rockstars. Year 1 have some work on number lines to 20 and year 2 have some work on money. 


Congratulations to Sienna, Jac and Rory for their awards this week yes


Enjoy your weekend everyone! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy your two week break and I will see you on Thursday 4th January 2024!

Week beginning: 11th December 2023

Good afternoon! 

This week, in maths, year 1 have been counting to 20 and looking at different representations of 11, 12 and 13. In year 2, the children have been learning to count the faces and edges on 3D shapes. Our maths books are really full now after a whole term and lots of challenges completed- well done Doves! 


In English this week we have been writing a review about our Christmas show and we have been completing other Christmas writing activities. Everyone is really trying hard with their handwriting and the children are making it very difficult for me to choose a handwriting star each day! 


We had two great afternoons this week- first up, performing our Christmas show 'Baarmy Bethlehem' to you and we hope you enjoyed it! All of the children should be so proud and they all did incredibly well to learn their lines, cues and the songs and dancing actions! We also had Windmill theatre company where we acted out a scene from Elf the musical and learnt a dance! It was great fun! 


Next week, we have 3 days of Christmas fun before the holidays. We will be doing arts, crafts and on Wednesday morning we will have a class party. If your child would like to bring in their own party snack for this, they are welcome to! We also have the reading assembly next week, so keep reading at home to try and get that bronze or maybe even silver award! 


Thank you to you parents for all of your support this term! There is so much to remember in autumn term and we are very lucky to have you! Thank you to the children for working hard and being such a wonderful class- I am looking forward to our spring term together! 


Homework this week is English, spellings and TT Rockstars. There are also some Christmas challenges that the children might like to do! This is due in on Friday 5th January 2024. 


Congratulations to Finlay and Luke for their awards today yes


Have a brilliant weekend everyone!

Mrs Woollard smiley 

Week beginning: 4th December 2023

Good afternoon!

This week we have been practising lots for our Christmas show! A huge thank you for practising the lines at home- it is very much appreciated! We are really looking forward to performing 'Baarmy Bethlehem' to you on Tuesday at 2:15pm. 


In maths this week the year 1 children have been consolidating learning of shape. Next week, they will be moving onto place value up to 20. In year 2 the children have been learning about lines of symmetry and using lines of symmetry to complete shapes. 


In English this week we have been planning our diary entries as if we were astronauts and writing a recount about our Wonder Dome visit. In phonics this week we have been learning the 'ir' digraph like in girl and bird. In SPaG the children have been learning the il and al spellings, such as pencil and local. 


On Thursday we had a super visit from Wonder Dome! It was a spectacular space show by presenter Dave who used to work for NASA which we thought was really cool! He spoke all about the planets, Neil Armstrong and we even got to see some aliens! 


Tomorrow, we have the East Hanningfield Christmas Fayre! I will hopefully see lots of you there! 


Congratulations to Freddy and Connor for their awards today yes


Happy Birthday to Finlay for tomorrow heart


Have a lovely, festive weekend everyone! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 27th November 2023

Good evening! 

This week has been assessment week, so the children took part in a maths arithmetic and reasoning work booklet! They all really enjoyed doing these, as they were a bit different to our usual 3 challenge maths lessons and they liked going over the questions together in mini maths.


In English this week we have been looking at the past tense and adding ed to verbs. We also did a writing assessment about a girl and a friendly monster in the woods. I am really noticing the children trying so hard with their handwriting and presentation, so well done Doves! We didn't have any new digraph or spelling rule in phonics/SPaG, as we did some assessments and recap, but next week will be back to normal. 


In our foundation subjects we learnt about advent in RE and I wonder if the children can remember what the 5 candles represent? In topic, we wrote an astronaut kit list! The children loved watching the clips of astronauts! We have done some practising of our Christmas show and just need to practise our lines as the singing is amazing! We also made some beautiful Christmas hoops ready for Mr O'Donaghue to hang up in the hall for us. When every classes hoop is up, it will look so festive! 


Thank you for supporting our movie and munch night- it was really enjoyable and it was lovely to see the children chilled and laughing whilst watching The Grinch!


Homework this week is spellings and to practise your lines for the Christmas show please! 

Congratulations to Alisha and Lara for their awards yes


Have a brilliant weekend everyone! 

Mrs Woollard smiley 

Week beginning: 20th November 2023

Good afternoon! 

This week, in maths, both year groups moved onto geometry where we learnt lots about shape! In year 1, the children learnt to recognise and name 3D shapes, to sort 3D shapes and to name and recognise 2D shapes. In year 2, the children were recognising 2D and 3D shapes, counting the sides of shapes and counting the vertices of shapes. Some great maths work this week from Doves! 


In English this week, we finished off our lift and flap posters, looked at the features of a diary entry and then completed a reading comprehension about Buzz Aldrin. Next week, we will be writing a diary entry as if we were an astronaut from space. In phonics the year 1 children have learnt the ch sounding as a c/sh and in SPaG, the year 2 children have learnt the el spelling. Lots of writing in both year groups for phonics and SPaG this week and they all did brilliantly! We are still loving the phonics and SPaG star each lesson! 


In our foundation subjects this week we started our 'Mindfulness Mondays', where we did RE, yoga and art. We did some great writing about the solar system and a lovely activity in PSHE about our steps for success of something we want to work at to achieve. In science, we looked at freezing and melting and the children loved the experiment we are going to try next week! 


Homework this week is to write some sentences about the solar system, spellings and TT Rockstars. Scripts went out today too, if your child has something to say in the Christmas show. If your child didn't come home with a script then they are not saying a line in the show, but will be dancing/playing instruments on stage. 


Congratulations to Oliver and Sophie S for their awards this week yes


Happy Birthday to Ivy for tomorrow! heart


Have a lovely, relaxing weekend everyone!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 13th November 2023

Good evening! 

This week in maths, the year 1 children have been consolidating their learning of addition and subtraction. They have really impressed me with their skills and have shown me how quick they can work out the number sentences in mini maths sessions! In year 2, the children have been mixing addition and subtraction, comparing number sentences and working out missing number problems. Next week, both year groups move onto geometry-shape. 


In English this week, the children began by writing statement sentences about the planets. We then had to generate a question to go with our statement sentence and the children were super! They have absolutely loved looking out for command, exclamation, question and statement sentences! They also loved our 'walkabout sentences' game. In phonics we have been learning long vowel sounds and in SPaG we have been adding er and est to words ending in y. 


In our foundation subjects, we learnt so much about the planets this week. Maybe you could ask your child these questions and see if they remember:

Which is the biggest planet?

What planet spins backwards? 

Which planet has a third of Earth's gravity? 

What planet has super sonic winds? 


I was SO impressed with how many facts the children could retain, and this is evident in their posters which I will show you this week! We have been practising our Christmas songs and I will let you know all the details early next week. Finally, we finished the week with a lovely Children in Need day and some birthday cake! 


Congratulations to Brogan and Harry for their awards yesheart


Have the best weekend everyone and I will look forward to seeing you Monday!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 6th November 2023

Good afternoon! 

This week in maths the year 1 children have been learning all about subtraction. They have been finding how many are left, subtracting using a number line and they have been adding or subtracting 1 or 2. In Year 2, the children have been subtracting using the column method. They have been so good at not crossing 10, but from next week we will be crossing 10. This is quite tricky, but we will also be doing this lots in mini maths too! 


In English this week we have been learning about the four different types of sentences. We have been writing command sentences, question sentences, exclamation sentences and statement sentences. The children love the little clips on bitesize which I posted on dojo last night! In phonics, the year 1 children have been learning the digraph 'ou' like in 'loud' and 'proud'. The year 2 children in SPaG have been learning the 'le' spelling at the end of words such as 'cuddle' and 'giggle'. We are at a really exciting part of our reading skills book and have made our reading skills display more interactive, which the children love! 


In our foundation subjects we completed some lovely remembrance art and the children were so proud of their work which was lovely to see. In geography, we looked at our World and the continents and oceans before we move to look at the planets in the solar system. In science, we had a lovely lesson looking at rocks and when I recapped last weeks lesson the children were superstars! Finally, in PSHE, we were describing and understanding feelings, whilst also developing simple strategies for managing these feelings. 


Homework this week is to write two question, command, exclamation and statement sentences. Spellings and TT Rockstars is also set. 


Congratulations to Mya and Sienna for their awards today yes


Have a wonderful weekend everyone

Mrs Woollard smiley

Happy Half Term everyone!

Have a lovely week with your family and friends smiley We finished this term off with a superhero day!

Week beginning- 9th October 2023

Good evening, 

This week we have celebrated the Harvest festival and thank you so much for coming to watch our song together. A huge thank you for all the donations to the Chelmsford food bank too! Although we had our Harvest assembly in church on Thursday, on Monday we also got to go to the church which was linked to our RE learning. We had a look at the stain glass windows of Matthew, Luke, Mark and John and learnt about the north and south transepts. 


In maths this week year 1 have been learning number bonds within 10, systematic number bonds to 10, number bonds to 10 and then adding together two numbers. They all worked extremely hard! In year 2, the children have been learning number bonds to 100 (tens), adding and subtracting 1s, adding by making 10 and then adding 3 single digit numbers. Beautifully presented work this week from year 2!


In English we have been adding adjectives to boring sentences and writing our harvest prayers. Well done to Savannah, Sophia and Dylan for reading their prayers out in church. In phonics this week year 1 have been learning the split digraph 'a-e' sound like in 'cake' and 'shake'. In SPaG we have been learning the 'kn' spelling which always comes at the beginning of a word. 


Next week we have our Black History Month assembly and we will be finishing our topic with a superhero themed afternoon next Thursday. Please come in dressed as a superhero, but don't feel you need to buy a costume- a cape or mask with non uniform will be brilliant! 


Homework is maths and spellings. Year 1 have number bonds to 10 and year 2 have number bonds to 100 (tens). TT Rockstars through the week would be super too as it is good practise to log on and have a go at that 10 times table! 


Congratulations to Florence and Nate for their awards today yesyes


Have a super weekend Doves!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 2nd October 2023

Hello! The weeks are flying past this autumn 1 term! In maths both year groups have now moved onto the addition and subtraction unit of learning. Year 1 have been exploring the parts and whole in part whole models, they have been writing number sentences and they have been doing some fact families. In year 2 the children have been counting in 3s, recapping their number bonds to 10, doing 6 part fact families and learning related facts such as 'If 3+4=7, then I know that 30+40=70'. 


In English this week we have been designing characters for our superhero stories. The children were great at labelling their character with adjectives. We then planned our stories and began writing them. Next week, we will finish our stories and I can't wait to read them all! Year 1 have learnt the 'ea' sound in their phonics lessons and Year 2 have learnt the 'gn' spelling. 


In our foundation subjects this week we have been learning about towns, cities and villages in geography. In art we learnt about Andy Warhol and completed some pop art and in RE we have been writing questions about what we want to learn about our church or anything about our religion ready for a visit on Monday morning with Reverend Suzie. 


Homework this week is writing sentences using adjectives about the superhero scene and spellings. TT Rockstars is up and running for children who want to have a go! Mr Forster's rockstar assembly will be the week before half term, so keep earning those points! 


Congratulations to Sophie R and Jude for their fantastic effort and awards yes


Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 25th September 2023

Good afternoon! 

This week in maths year 1 have been using the inequality symbols (<>=) to compare numbers. They have been using the language less than, greater than and equal to. They also ordered objects and numbers and used a number line to show one more/less than a given number. In year 2, the children have also been using inequality symbols to compare objects and numbers. They then ordered objects and numbers and began counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. TT Rockstars is now up and running for our class and more details about this are on our class page on dojo. 


In English this week the children started their next learning sequence and by the end of next week we will have written our own superhero stories set in East Hanningfield. We began by looking at stories, the authors, illustrators, blurbs, beginning, middle and end. We then looked at adjectives and nouns and described different objects. The children then added adjectives to my spooky story and there were some great words used such as: ugly, horrifying, terrifying, creepy and crooked. In phonics the children have learnt the digraph 'ie' and in SPaG the children have added es to words ending in y. I wonder if they can remember what the word plural means? 


In our foundation subjects we had a brilliant geography lesson on human and physical features. We learnt that human features of geography were man made and physical features of geography were physical. Then, we labelled a picture spotting all the human and physical features that we could find. In science we were drawing pictures of what we would wear in the different seasons and in art we created our Christmas designs ready to send off to the printing company! 


Homework this week is maths and spellings. Year 1 have comparing numbers and Year 2 have comparing numbers and a little bit of counting in 2s. 


Congratulations to Luke and Saylor for their awards yes


Have a restful weekend Doves!

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 18th September 2023

Good afternoon! 

This week in maths the children in year 1 have been learning to count backwards from 10, finding one less than a given number, comparing groups by matching numbers and using the language 'fewer, more and same'. In year 2 maths, the children have been writing numbers to 100 in expanded form, labelling a number line in 10s, labelling a number line in 1s and then estimating numbers on a number line. 


In English this week we have been using conjunctions in a sentence, planning a non-chronological report and then writing our non-chronological report up. Our top copies will be finished next week, so I will post them onto dojo! Year 1 have been learning the 'oy' sound in phonics and year 2 have been learning the 'dge' and 'ge' spelling sounds. Everyone has a new booklet ready for them in their homework wallets this week. 


Our learning in the foundation subjects has been really fun this week! The children really impressed me with their recap of the four countries and capital cities of the UK. We then learnt what the flags were called. In RE we were comparing different crosses and in science we used the black out tent, torch and globe to learn why we have day and night. We also produced some fab Picasso art work! 


Homework this week is conjunctions and spellings.


Congratulations to Rory and Kali for their awards today yes


Have a brilliant weekend Doves! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 11th September 2023

Good afternoon! Our first full week back on timetable and the Doves were amazing! They have all worked so unbelievably hard! 

In maths this week, the year 1 children have been representing objects, recognising numbers as words, counting on from any number and finding one more than a given number. They have been great at getting through their challenges! Our year 2 children have been learning to use a place value chart, partitioning numbers to 100, writing numbers to 100 in words and flexibly partitioning numbers to 100. They have been working straight into their maths books this week and the presentation from everyone has been super! 


In English this week we have been collating information about superheroes, learning about the features of a non-chronological report, we completed a reading comprehension on superheroes and then wrote sentences using the conjunctions 'and' and 'but'. In phonics, we have been learning the 'ay' digraph and in SPaG we have been learning the 'y as igh' sound. Everyone has a phonics/SPaG booklet to read through as part of their homework and they relate to the phonics/SPaG learning from the week. We love our new reading skills book 'Eliott Jones, Midnight Superhero' and the children have predicted what is going to happen and have used interesting vocabulary to describe how people would be feeling if lions were running after them, before Eliot saves the day! 


In our foundation subjects we have been learning the four countries of the UK and their capital cities in Geography, we did some Picasso style art, we played a drama game in RE and we did seasonal changes in Science. Swimming was back this week and the children are ready to be in their new swimming groups next Wednesday! Thank you for organising their kits!


Next week at 2:45pm I will be doing a meet the teacher/little meeting in our classroom to go through what we do in year 1 and year 2 and will be there to answer any questions about the year going forward. If you can attend please come through the front office. 


Homework this week is maths and spellings. I have put some number formation and a whiteboard pen in everyone's homework wallets if you would like to practise at home smiley 


Congratulations to Phoebe and Charlie for their awards in our first celebration assembly of the year yes 


Enjoy your weekend everyone! 

Mrs Woollard smiley

Week beginning: 4th September 2023

Good afternoon! 

What a lovely first week we have had in Doves class and the children have been incredible, especially in these warm temperatures! In maths this week, year 1 have started their place value unit of learning by sorting objects, counting objects and counting objects from larger groups. In year 2, the children have started a place value unit too, and they have been learning numbers to 20, counting objects to 100 by making 10s and recognising tens and ones in a number. 


In English this week we began by writing our summer holiday news and then we focused on sentence structure by writing all about ourselves and our families, and about superheroes! Talking of superheroes, we went on a superhero hunt and worked out the 'what am I?' clues and when we came back to the classroom superhero logos were attached to all of our chairs which must mean we have superpowers when we're in our seats!


I have been doing some reading and phonics assessments with all of the children over the week, just so I know where everyone is at and what each child needs individually to support them in their learning going forward. Normal phonics and SPaG lessons begin next week yes

Our afternoons have been a bit more relaxed this week as we have been settling into the rules and routines of the classroom, but it has been really lovely to see new friendships develop and children talking and playing with some friends that they may have not known as well as before this week. 


We finished the week by watching the cyclists this afternoon in the Tour of Britain! The children were brilliant at cheering on everyone!

Homework set today is spellings and English. Each child should have taken their homework wallet home and this is due in next Friday (or before if you want to get it out the way!) 


Have a lovely weekend Doves class in the sunshine and I will look forward to seeing you on Monday!

Mrs Woollard smiley

