Spring Term 2020 Curriculum & Topics
Happy New Year and I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and thank you all for the very kind gifts! The Spring term is upon us and I would like to take this opportunity to share what we shall be learning.
Our over-arching theme will be ‘Extreme Earth’ and this topic will involve studying volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes and other phenomena that occurs on planet Earth! As our previous topic – The Vikings and the Anglo Saxons– had a greater emphasis on History, we shall be focusing more on Geography topics this term.
In Geography we shall be using maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate famous volcanoes and research facts. We will then be learning how to identify the position and significance of latitude, longitude, the Equator, the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere amongst others. We shall also be studying how volcanoes and earthquakes are formed over time.
In Design Technology we shall be designing, making and evaluating our own volcanoes and trying to make them erupt! In Art we shall be creating pieces of art based on volcanoes using a variety of medium.
In English we shall be studying how to write non-fiction explanation texts about volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis to create a information booklet. We shall also be learning how to write instructions (how to stay safe in earthquakes), narrative poetry and biography (The Highwayman), persuasive text (the ideal school & holiday resort) and a balanced argument about global warming.
Children will be learning spelling techniques several times a week and a copy of the Year 5/6 spellings that children are expected to know by the end of Key Stage Two can be found here. Please test your child on these spellings frequently throughout the term.
In Mathematics we will be working on a variety of topics including: fractions (equivalent, simplifying, comparing), decimals and percentages, algebra, measuring and converting units, perimeter, area and volume and statistics.
In Science this half term we will be studying the topic of ‘Animals including humans’ and then will shall be moving onto ‘All living things and their habitats’.
In Computing we will be learning about how to use technology to create pieces of art with our topic: ‘We are artists’ which fuses geometry and art. After half term, we shall be creating a website about cyber safety. In French our topic this term is "The Perfect Outfit". Children will be learning to describe what someone is wearing and to suggest an outfit for someone to wear on a special occasion! Look out for the vocabulary sheets coming home!
In Physical Education we shall be learning dance and gymnastics. Please ensure that your child is bringing in their correct indoor P.E kit every week. P.E will be on Tuesday afternoons.
Finally, in Religious Education we shall be learning about Christianity and the Easter story.
Children will have either a English or Mathematics task to complete for homework each week. This is given out on Friday and is expected to be handed in on by the following Friday or the children will have to complete this during their Golden Time. Children are also expected to practise their times tables every week on our new ‘TT Rock Stars’.
If you have any questions you are welcome to talk to me after school or you can book an appointment through the office if it is more convenient.
Kind Regards – Mr.Forster