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East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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What we have been learning this week!

Week beginning: 4th July 2022

This week in maths the children in year 1 have been comparing time and working on times tables. They are so much better at logging into their own accounts now and most know their passwords so they are all set for year 2! The Year 2s have been comparing capacity, working in millilitres, litres and we did some work on temperature. They are really good at remembering the unit of measure now! Both year groups enjoyed getting outside in maths this week!


In English we have been writing our comics! They look absolutely fantastic and lots of other people around the school were very impressed with them too yes The children have been really engaged in this and it was great to see their imaginations go crazy! 


We enjoyed our pop art activity this week with some paper weaving and we had a great science lesson on the eat well guide and what makes a healthy, balanced diet. 


I am away next week with year 5/6 on their residential trip to the Isle of Wight (more info on dojo) but swimming is still on Wednesday and PE will still be on Friday. 


Congratulations to Gideon and Jimmy for their awards this week yes 

Reports have gone out tonight in school bags yes


Have a brilliant weekend and I might see some of you at the village fete! 


Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 27th June 2022

Good afternoon! Another busy week has flown by! 

This week in maths year 1 have been telling to the time to the hour and half past the hour. They enjoyed using the mini clocks to show the time and have also been writing time. Lots of language is used in this unit and we have focused on the minute hand and the hour hand. In year 2 the children have been measuring mass in g, kg and then we moved on to introducing capacity and volume and how we measure capacity. 


In English this week we have began the week by reading 'Traction Man'. It is a really good book and refers to our comic unit of work. We could spot all the features of a comic strip in this book, and then we looked at speech and thought bubbles and had a go at writing in them using a scene from the story. We then did a warm task where we had to write a comic based on a girl who grew seeds and they grew into a tree, but a storm came and then the children were free to draw a picture in their 6th box and write the ending to the comic strip. We finished the week by planning our own comic strips which we will start to write on Monday. 


In our foundation subjects this week we did some great pop art on Monday, we looked at weather and climate in geography and we did some superhero moves in PE! This afternoon we had a great music afternoon where we got to listen to some children play the guitar or piano and we had a visitor in who spoke to us all about brass instruments and the sound that they make. 


Homework this week is maths and spellings yes Next week we have our transition morning in new classes and reports out on Friday. 


Congratulations to Daniel and William for their awards! 


Have an amazing weekend everyone!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 20th June 2022

Week 3 yes

In maths this week Year 1 have been counting coins, looking at before and after activities and dates such as days of the week and months of the year and the order in which they appear. In year 2 the children have compared durations of time, and then enjoyed using the balance scales to measure and compare mass. Some very neat maths work this week from both year groups! 


In English this week the children completed their top copies of their fact files and during our next sequence of lessons over the next two weeks we will write a comic strip! We began by looking at comics and reading them looking for the features, we then discussed the features of a comic and collated some onomatopoeia words. The children loved this activity and came up with over 20! We also completed a reading comprehension based on classic superheroes and comic books. Superman and Spiderman were a hit! 


We had our sports day this week which we all enjoyed! It was lovely having parents this year after the last couple of years and the weather just made the picnic and the afternoon! Well done to everyone as taking part is the most important thing and congratulations to the children who got placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd. 


Just to let you know that on Monday 11th July- Friday 15th July I will be off to the Isle of Wight with Owls class for their residential trip. I will have planned the lessons and will make sure everything is ran as it normally is and then I will see the children for the last few days of term from Monday 18th July. 


Homework this week is English and spellings. TT Rockstars is also set for children who like to have a go on that throughout the week!


Congratulations to Edith and Tegan for their awards today yes


Have a lovely weekend Doves!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 13th June 2022

What a warm week! 

In maths year 1 have been ordering numbers, recognising coins and recognising notes. Next week we will continue our money topic which the children are enjoying! In year 2 we have been completing word problem solving questions, looking at hours and days and durations of time. Next week we will move onto weight and volume. 


In English we have been planning our superhero fact files and writing them including what their superpowers are, what they like, dislike and where they live. Some great imagination from the children and when their top copies are complete I will send them over on dojo! 


In our foundation subjects we have been learning about Andy Warhol and his pop art, locating human and physical features of geography in East Hanningfield, and then we linked these with our senses. We finished today with a fab drumming workshop! 


Homework this week is maths and individual spellings yes Thank you for your continued support with spelling. I have been looking in depth through books recently over the whole year and I have really noticed a huge improvement in every child!


Next week we have our sports day to look forward to on Wednesday! We are all so excited that parents can attend this year, but if you cannot because of work commitments the children will have their picnic with me and I'm sure a few treats will be on the cards! 


Have a lovely weekend in the sun and we wish all of our Dove dads a super day on Sunday!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 6th June 2022

Hello! Welcome back to the summer 2 term, the final term of the school year! Our new topic is superheroes and I have posted on dojo our new curriculum map for you to look through what we will be learning. 

This week in maths year 1 have been partitioning numbers, comparing amounts and comparing numbers. In year 2 the children have been recapping quarter past and quarter to, telling the time to 5 minutes and writing time. If you are at home with a clock nearby, or if your child has a watch it would be really handy to keep asking them the time every now and again to consolidate this! We are doing this in class and the children love it! 


In English this week we completed a recount on our half term, we did a spelling check on our common exception words and we wrote sentences about superheroes using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions! The children really impressed me with their subordination, so well done Doves! 


In our foundation subjects we designed our own superheroes! These will be used in our fact files next week and also in our comic strips in week 4! The imaginations of the children were just brilliant! We looked at our super skills in science and we finished today with a practise for sports day which is on Wednesday 22nd June. 


Homework this week is to write five sentences about your favourite superheroes using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. 


Congratulations to Rupert and Erika for their awards this week!


Have a lovely, sunny weekend Doves!

Miss Forman smiley

Happy half term!

We have had such a fun filled week celebrating the jubilee! The children have been extremely hardworking this term and have been a joy to teach! 


Homework for the holidays is a phonics booklet (year 1s) and a worksheet on 5 minute intervals for year 2s. 


Happy Birthday to Rupert for 31st May!

Happy Birthday to Darcie for 5th June!


Have a lovely week off everyone!

Miss Forman smiley

20.05.22- Such a fabulous day at Barleylands!

The children were amazing and represented East Hanningfield incredibly. I hope they all enjoyed their school trip smiley We had fun on the coach, making pizzas, exploring in the polytunnel and then we got to feed the animals! We fell in love with Panda the calf who was 11 days old! It was great to watch them having a super time together! More photos can be found on the 'gallery' section of the website. 


Have a brilliant weekend Doves and I will look forward to our jubilee themed week next week!

Miss Forman smiley


19.05.22- A huge well done to our year 2s for getting through their question booklets this week! Year 1 have been equally as awesome completing their own question booklets. We ended today with a very well deserved ice cream in the glorious sunshine!

Week beginning: 9th May 2022

Good afternoon, 

This week in maths Year 1 have been exploring quarters of a shape or an object and then moving on to finding a quarter of a small quantity. They have now moved onto our position and direction unit of work and so far they have been describing turns and position using the language forwards, backwards, left and right. Year 2 have been completing some work on time. They have been telling to the time to the hour, and half past the hour. We have also learnt quarter past and quarter to and have been counting around the clock in 5s. Year 2 have also had lots of questions through the week to prep them ready for next week and Year 1 have enjoyed joining in with these through mini maths!


In English this week we have been writing our top copies of the newspaper reports, writing a letter to our friend and planning our letters to Her Majesty, The Queen. On Monday we will write these up and send them to congratulate her on the upcoming platinum jubilee. 


In our foundation subjects this week we have had lots of fun! We made a thaumatrope in art. These are toys children played with in Victorian times and the children loved learning about this! In RE we were looking at symbols and why they are important, in History we learnt a bit about William the Conqueror and in science we did a 'walking colours' experiment! 


Homework this week is English and the children need to read all about Buckingham Palace and answer the questions. Remember- the answers are always in the text! 


Next week our lovely year 2s have some question booklets to complete which will take place in the mornings from Monday-Thursday. They are going to be superstars and they just need to remember that their best is always enough! We have our school trip treat to look forward to next Friday which is to Barleylands! Please contact me if you have any questions about this. 


We have celebrated Harry's birthday today and congratulations to Tamsin and Daniel for their awards! yes


Have a wonderful weekend Doves!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 2nd May 2022

Well that week flew by didn't it! In maths this week year 1 have been finishing off their unit on multiplication and division and did fantastic on their mini assessment for this block. They are now moving onto fractions and we have been looking at half of a quantity or object. The children are really good at counting in 2s, and they now know that they just have to divide by 2 to get the answer! In year 2 the children have been using the four operations with length, describing movement and describing turns. We learnt some new vocabulary which was clockwise and anticlockwise. They loved giving their partner directions to follow! 


In English this week we have been planning our newspaper reports and we have started to write them! The children have some great ideas and the headlines were very short, sharp and eye catching! When these are completed (as a top copy) I will send them over to you on dojo. Everyone is really enjoying our reading skills book this term 'The Queen's Nose' and we have just got to the part where Uncle Ginger has given Harmony a present... it looks like money and Harmony doesn't seem too impressed! We wonder what will happen next!


In our foundation subjects this week in history we learnt all about 'Alfred the Great'. He was a very powerful ruler of England and he created lots of new laws to make sure people were treated fairly. He also thought education was very important, because he taught himself to read and write aged 12. In science we did a really cool experiment- The magic leakproof bag! The children were so excited and they produced some wonderful written up work after all the fun! 


Homework this week is some maths and individual spellings. TT Rockstars is also set!


Congratulations to Thea and Harry for their awards this week yes

Happy Birthday to Erika for tomorrow! 


Have a super weekend Doves!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 25th April 2022

Good afternoon! Doves have had such a positive attitude to their learning this week and have all been trying very hard in all subjects! It has certainly been a fab week! smiley


In maths this week year 1 have been making arrays, making doubles, and making equal groups (grouping and sharing). They have been brilliant at making links to multiplication and division. In Year 2 the children have been measuring length in cm and m, comparing lengths and ordering lengths. Of course, we have been doing lots of answering questions in our booklets as well! 


In English this week we have been looking at speech marks, the features and purpose of a newspaper. Next week we will be writing newspaper reports about what happened to the Queen's knickers! Well done to Chloe and Gideon for winning the most persuasive letters!


In our foundation subjects we had some fab art work drawing portraits of The Queen, we did a floater man science experiment and we learnt lots about Queen Elizabeth II. How many children did she have? What are their names? How old was she when she became Queen? What did she do in the Second World War? What is her favourite dog? Does she need a driving license and passport? 


Swimming was back this week and the children were so excited! They got back into the routine straight away and were so sensible getting changed and coming back to me for their learning in the classroom. Thank you for your support with getting their swimming bags ready yes


We celebrated William's birthday today and Congratulations to Isabelle and Tayden on their awards! 

Homework this week is individual spellings and to write four sentences about Queen Elizabeth II.


Have a wonderful 3 day bank holiday weekend and I will see you on Tuesday Doves!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 18th April 2022

Welcome back to the summer 1 term smiley It has been lovely to be back this week and it has been wonderful to hear all about the Easter fun the children had over the two week break! 

This week we started our new topic 'Magnificent Monarchs'. Our new curriculum map is on dojo for you to have a read through about what we will be learning. This ties in with the Queen's jubilee at the end of the term and as a school we will be having lots of fun. 


In maths this week year 1 have been counting in 10s, making equal groups and adding equal groups. They have been so focused in maths this week and have really impressed everyone so keep it up year 1! In year 2 the children have been learning the equivalence of 1/2 and 2/4, finding 3/4 and counting in fractions. Some of this maths has been tricky but the children have used resources such as counters and they have been super- it has been lovely to witness those lightbulb moments! Year 2 have been doing lots of practise of previous SATS questions too and they have been incredible! I think they are getting more used to the layout and their confidence is on the increase so keep being super year 2!


In English this week we wrote a recount of our Easter holidays and lots of them were making me smile whilst I marked them on Tuesday evening! There are no secrets with children laugh We then moved onto some work on persuasive writing. First, we read 'The Queen's Knickers' and then the children designed their own pair of knickers. They then had to write a letter persuading me to buy their knickers- the winner will be revealed on Monday! I had so many interesting knickers/pants though! James's pants would make me feel like a King and Tayden's pants would make me super fast like Sonic and Thea's knickers would make me sing a beautiful song! We have also started our new reading skills book called 'The Queen's Nose'. We will be answering some VIPERS questions each day. 


In our foundation subjects this week we have been looking at the timeline of six important sovereigns. These are Alfred the Great, William the Conquerer, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II. We looked at some Royal residences such as Balmoral Castle, Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace. We have had so many fantastic discussions so I am looking forward to the next few weeks! It was also the Queen's birthday on Thursday and we learnt that she turned 96 years old, she was 25 when she came to the throne and she does in fact have two birthdays! 


Next week our swimming lessons begin! These will be on a Wednesday afternoon so please remember your swimming kits every Wednesday. If you have any questions about this message me on dojo!


Homework this week is a maths sheet and individual spellings yes Thank you for your support with this and with reading. 


Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 28th March 2022

We have made it to the Easter holidays! The children have worked so hard this term and I am very pleased with all of them for their attitude towards their learning. 

In maths this week year 1 have been practising word problems and year 2 have been finding a third of a quantity, learning about unit fractions and non-unit fractions. 


In English this week we have been writing our pirate poems! We based our poem on one called 'Meet the pirates' but we changed the names and found different rhyming strings. These were fab and the children really enjoyed writing them! 


In RE we had some lovely work about how spring is linked to Easter and on Tuesday we had a visit from Stuart and Scott who were from coastguard safety. The children loved listening to their rescue stories and they took so much in about what they learnt. I was very impressed with the posters the children created on Wednesday too! We had fun on Thursday making our pirate ships and today we finished with an Easter egg hunt (PE themed!) The children really earnt their chocolate! 


Congratulations to Amelia and Abigail for working hard this week and achieving the awards. 

Happy Birthday to Jimmy for the 13th April! 


I hope everyone has the best Easter break and lets hope this April heatwave turns up soon! Thank you for all of your support this term with reading, spellings, homework, getting the children ready for certain things we have going on and for just generally being so lovely! 


Enjoy your well earned rest Doves!


Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 21st March 2022

Good afternoon! It has been a wonderful week with lots of signs of spring which has been an added bonus!

In maths this week year 1 have been recapping subtraction, place value, length and height and the 2, 5 and 10 times table. Year 2 have moved onto fractions where we have been learning to recognise and find a half and  to recognise and find a quarter. We have learnt new vocabulary: numerator and denominator. 


In English this week we have moved onto our final sequence of writing which is poetry. I can't wait to see these finished and I know the children's ideas will be brilliant. We have looked at a range of poems and pirate poems, rhyming words and answered a reading comprehension on a poem 'Yo Ho Ho'. Next week we will learn about alliteration and write our poems up which I will post next week! 


In our foundation subjects we have been writing a prayer about Easter in RE and talking about the whole story of Easter. We have been discussing the shape of our pirate ship that we are making next week and children have planned out what they are going to do very well indeed! I am looking forward to testing these out on water once they are completed. 


We had some really exciting news on Thursday that our acrostic poems have all been chosen to be published in the Young Writer's Competition! I was so proud of all of the children and it was great to celebrate their achievement! Please make sure you give permission for your child's poem to be published by either giving consent on the link online, or by giving the reply slip back to me so I can send them off. 


It was really lovely to talk to everyone about your children for parents evening. Thank you very much for taking the time and I hope it was beneficial to you. Please remember, if you need anything you know where I am!


Next week we have a super busy week of making pirate ships, a visit from coastguard safety and an EASTER EGG HUNT!


Congratulations to Darcie and Fraser for their awards this week yes


Homework is English and individual spellings. As well as this, if your child would like to go on the spelling frame it is a useful resource! I will post the link on dojo. 


Have a brilliant weekend and I hope all of our amazing mummy's have a super day on Sunday (even though there is one hour less in bed! laugh


Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 14th March 2022

Good afternoon! 

Such a busy week this week with our assessments to fit in. The children coped so well with these, again, they were reminded that it was just to see how everyone is doing in their learning and it was obvious that the children really tried their best which is all that matters! 

Other than our arithmetic and reasoning assessment, in maths this week year 1 have been recapping some learning on length and height and addition and subtraction. They all had a go at some column addition too, which was just fab! In year 2 the children have been making patterns with 3D shapes and making equal parts. We will move onto our unit of fractions next week. 


In English this week the children had a reading and writing assessment. The writing assessment was to write a story about a boy/girl and a dragon. These were absolutely brilliant and you will be able to see them in your childs book at parents evening! Other than these assessments the children wrote a story setting of our pirate reading skills book and they planned a pirate story ready to write next week! We are really trying hard to implement our SPaG into our writing so well done Doves!


In our foundation subject lessons this week we learnt about Good Friday during RE, the seas surrounding the UK in geography and we had a lovely science lesson in the sun looking at materials that float and sink. Next week we will be designing a pirate ship ready to make and test/evaluate before the end of term! 


Swimming lessons will start back up after Easter which is very exciting, so if any parents are available to help support these lessons please email


If anyone has any spare magazines they no longer need and any junk modelling such as small boxes, plastic tubs, kitchen roll/foil tubes etc I would really appreciate them for our art and D&T lessons over the next two weeks! 


I am really looking forward to parents evening on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd in the school hall. Books will be out in the classroom for you to look through whilst you are waiting or for after your appointment. 


Congratulations to Lexi and James on their awards this week yes


Have a relaxing and lovely weekend in the sunshine!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 7th March 2022

Good afternoon, another really busy week in Doves class with lots of learning going on! In maths year 1 have been comparing capacity, adding lengths and subtracting lengths. I have been really impressed with their presentation in books this week too. Year 2 children have been counting faces on 3D shapes, counting edges on 3D shapes, counting vertices on 3D shapes and sorting 3D shapes! They are using the vocabulary well and over this week I definitely feel like all children are more confident with 3D shape now! 


In English this week we have completed some top copies of our WANTED posters. We also moved onto our next learning sequence and by the end we will have written a pirate story. We began by looking at a range of pirate stories, we completed a reading comprehension on 'Pesky Pirates' and we wrote a story setting of a cave using expanded noun phrases and similes! I was super impressed with the work and the children were loving my dances at the end of the lesson celebrating everyone's hard work smiley


In RE this week we looked at a famous picture of the 'Last Supper' and children wrote down what they thought each person might be saying in speech marks, we did the days of the week in French, and we did some work on where our food comes from in science. We learnt a pirate song in music today and will be putting instruments with it and we finished the week with a game of benchball! Some great team work going on too! 


Next week is test week and children will be completing some reading, writing and maths papers. These scores do not go anywhere they are just for us teachers to see where children are at and I can discuss these at parents evening. 


Today we have been remembering the people of Ukraine. Obviously with younger children I haven't gone into too much detail and some children know more than others, so I have been having chats with the children that have been asking questions. Today, we learnt hello in Ukrainian and so the children said this to answer the register, we made sunflowers and coloured in their flag. Everyone looked super in their blue and yellow today and it is absolutely incredible to see how many donations were brought into school today so thank you so much! 


The Readathon ends on Sunday evening, so remember to log your minutes before then- We were around 5,500 the last time I looked! Well done to everyone who has taken part in this! Homework this week is individual spellings and some work on compound words. 


Congratulations to Gideon and Jimmy for their awards this week yes


Have a fabulous weekend!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 28th February 2022

It has been a lovely week this week with Shrove Tuesday, our Ash Wednesday assembly in the church and World Book Day today! In maths this week year 1 have been measuring mass, comparing mass, measuring capacity and looking at volume and capacity. In year 2 the children have been drawing 2D shapes, sorting 2D shapes, looking at lines of symmetry and making patterns with 2D shapes. Both year groups units are quite practical at the moment and the children are enjoying our mini maths straight after lunchtime to recap maths skills, answer reasoning questions or play TT Rockstars! 


In English this week we wrote a character description of the pirate Blackbeard. Can you child remember any facts about him? His real name was Edward Teach, he was only a pirate for 2 years, he had 14 wives and he used to burn the sides of his moustache to warn off other ships! We then planned our WANTED poster by creating our own pirates- WOW! The imagination was incredible and we now have a set of 26 interesting pirates ready to be captured! We have started writing up our posters and I am encouraging the stamina of writing especially when the children were describing their pirates. Some great work this week and I am looking forward to the children completing these so they can be the first bit of English work up on display for this topic! 


In our foundation subjects we learnt about lent in RE and we made a fact file about another pirate, Anne Bonny. During World Book Day we made some moving storyboards which the children loved doing! It was great to see them just be creative and once they got the idea they were away! Thank you for getting the children dressed in their pjs or costumes- they all looked great and we had a brilliant day smiley


For homework this week I have set spellings and the readathon! The school challenge is to read for 8000 minutes (school total) over a week. Please track your reading minutes using the links I sent over dojo earlier!


Congratulations to Lily and Jack for their awards this week yes

Have a super weekend everyone!


Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 21st February 2022

Welcome back to the first week of the spring 2 term! It has been great to be back with the children and beginning our new topic 'Land Ahoy!' Please see our curriculum map for all the details about what we will be learning. We welcome the lovely Mrs Crow to our classroom and who will be supporting us with our learning. We also have Miss Batchford who is doing an apprenticeship with the school on a Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Peacock is still with us on a Friday. 


In maths this week year 1 have been comparing length and height, using non-standard units of measure to measure length, using rulers to measure length and I introduced weight and mass. Next week we will be learning about capacity and volume, so if anyone has any containers or anything in their recycling that we can use to put liquid in that would be super! Year 2 have been learning about block diagrams, recognising 2D and 3d shapes, counting sides on 2D shapes and counting vertices on 2D shapes. Can they tell you what a vertex is?


In English we started the week by writing a sequence of sentences about our half term. It was lovely that so many children managed to get to The Natural History Museum and children had lots of fun with family and friends by the sounds of things! We also completed a book review on our previous book 'The Dinosaurs Packed Lunch'. We have now moved onto a new book: The Pirates Next Door! It seems to be a hit already which is a win! One question this week was: Do you think the pirates are real or in Tilda's imagination? Wow we had some good discussion around that VIPER! Furthermore we finished the week by focusing on expanded noun phrases and we described lots of pirate objects and accessories. 


In our foundation subjects we learnt about Palm Sunday in RE, we put sea explorers in chronological order in history and we explored the difference between things that are living, dead and had never been alive in science. We finished this week with a lovely PE lesson in the sunshine and a treasure hunt! 


Congratulations to Mia and Edith for their awards this week yes

I look forward to next week and one of my favourite days in the school calendar- World Book Day! 


Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 7th February 2022

I'm not quite sure where those 6 weeks have gone but here we are at the end of the spring 1 term! In maths this week year 1 have been ordering numbers to 50, counting in 2s and counting in 5s. Everyone is set up on TT Rockstars now so they can have a go at practising this! Year 2 have been interpreting pictograms (1-1), drawing pictograms (2,5,10) and interpreting pictograms (2,5,10). 


In English this week we have been writing sentences about Mary Anning in the past tense, planning our diary entry and writing our diary entry as if we were Mary Anning. These really blew me away and when the top copies are finished I will send them to you! We have also entered into the Young Writers competition where we wrote acrostic poems about ourselves. These were great and I enjoyed working with the children and hearing their ideas on these! Let's hope for some winners!


Thank you for coming to our class lunch on Wednesday. It was lovely to see a mixture of mums, dads, nans, grandmas and grandads! The children really enjoyed this and thank you to Mrs Jaques, Mrs Ruffy and Mrs Waters. 


I have really enjoyed this term and I hope the children have loved 'Dinosaur Roar'. I will be sending over our curriculum map for the next topic towards the end of the holiday. I think it could be another popular one! 


Homework over the half term is individual spellings, some maths and a topic review. This is all due on Friday 25th February. 


Congratulations to Ollie and Tegan for their awards today yes

Congratulations to Darcie, Lexi and Lily for coming in the top 3 of our class on TT Rockstars this half term. smiley


Have a super weeks break, I hope you have lots of fun seeing family and friends and I will look forward to seeing you all on Monday 21st February.


Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 31st January 2022

We have had so much on this week, but it has been really fun! 

In maths year 1 have been finding one more and one less than a given number within 50, comparing objects within 50 and then comparing numbers within 50 using the inequality symbols! In Year 2 we have moved onto the statistics block of learning! We have been dividing by 10, making tally charts and they were drawing pictograms (1-1). They have really enjoyed collecting the data and then putting it into either a tally chart or pictogram. 


In English we have produced our top copies of the non-chronological report, we have completed a reading comprehension on Mary Anning and we have looked at the past tense changing words in sentences from present or future to the past. Next week we move onto our final writing piece of the term- a diary entry from Mary Anning. We are also going to squeeze in a writing competition which closes on the 11th, so lots of writing next week for sure! 


We had Portals to the Past on Wednesday and WOW! They were absolutely awesome! The children were mesmerized by the dinosaur models, fossils and the information given! Sue and Graham were super and said what polite and knowledgeable children they were, so well done Doves!


We also had our class assembly this week! Thank you so much for coming to watch it, the children were elated with the positive comments from their parents which was so lovely to hear! They have really worked hard this term and I felt very proud of them! 


Next week we have our class lunch, so I hope all the adults have received their invitation! We look forward to this at 11:30am on Wednesday for a roast turkey dinner or vegetarian roast. 


Homework this week is maths (comparing numbers for YR1) (Pictograms and a multiplication sheet for YR2). TT Rockstars is always set too to improve your speed! We have a TT Rockstar assembly on Wednesday and I think Mr Forster may have some certificates for the term! Reading award certificates will also be counted up ready to see if anyone has achieved a bronze or silver award! (I think it's still too early for a gold but I look forward to handing them out!)


Congratulations to Chloe and Flo for their Headteacher shine and handwriting awards this week yes


Have a wonderful weekend and I will look forward to our final 'Dinosaur Roar' week on Monday. 

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 24th January 2022

I can't believe we are week 5 next week! This term is going so quickly, but we still have lots to look forward to before the break smiley 

In maths this week the year 1 children have been looking at numbers to 50, looking at the tens and ones in numbers to 50 and representing numbers to 50. All the children were really good at recognising and working with the numbers, so this meant that we could do lots of problem solving questions and reasoning questions to make us even better at maths! Year 2 children have been making equal groups by grouping, dividing by 2, odd and even numbers and dividing by 5. I have been so impressed with how they have grasped the dividing and we played a great odd and even game on the IWB splatting the numbers today! Lots of children have enjoyed playing on TT Rockstars this week and I have loved seeing their rockstars change the more tokens they get! Well done to Darcie for being top of the leaderboard so far!


In English this week we began by writing sentences about dinosaurs using adventurous vocabulary. We then planned our non-chronological reports, and wrote our reports about our chosen dinosaurs. These will be produced as a top copy on Monday and I can't wait to see them all finished yes In phonics this week year 1 have been working the sounds aw, wh and ph. Year 2 have been working hard at sentence punctuation in SPaG! 


In our foundation subjects this week we enjoyed our fact or fib lesson about Mary Anning and the dinosaurs during history, and we loved inspecting the dinosaur poop in science seeing whether it was a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. 


Homework this week is writing sentence facts about Mary Anning and the dinosaurs using conjunctions. We are looking forward to showing you our presentation for our class assembly on Thursday at 9:10am and we also have Portals to the Past on Wednesday! Don't forget your dino wear! 


Congratulations to Millar and Connie for their awards this week yes

Happy Birthday to Isabelle for Sunday!


Have a great weekend!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 17th January 2022

What a week! In maths this week year 1 have been learning about related facts, comparing number sentences and we have recapped number bonds, adding by counting on and adding by making 10. Year 2 children have been completing activities on the 2, 5 and 10 times table, sharing equally and making equal groups by sharing. They have really impressed me with their multiplying skills and I am hoping I will be saying the same next week when we focus on division. 


In English this week we wrote up our top copies of the letters to our favourite dinosaur. Then, we began a new learning sequence of writing which will be to write a non chronological report on a dinosaur. We started by looking at interesting books all about dinosaurs, working in groups to move around the tables and add facts about them. We looked at some examples of non chronological reports and the features of them and we completed a reading comprehension about dinosaurs and some work on conjunctions today. Next week we will be writing some facts about dinosaurs, we will be planning our non chronological report and then finally writing it all up using sub-headings. 


In our foundation subjects we have completed some lovely observational drawings of ammonites using shading, the children did some incredible writing about Mary Anning and wrote about her life in chronological order and in science we did some work on food chains and looked particularly at dinosaur food chains. Next week, we will begin to put together our class assembly and will continue with lots more Dinosaur Roar activities! 


Homework this week is maths, spellings and TT Rockstars yes (on the homework tab of our class page if needed)

Congratulations to William and Tamsin for their awards this week yes

Happy Birthday to Jack for tomorrow! 


Have a brilliant weekend Doves class and hopefully we will be back as 26 next week!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 10th January 2022

This week in maths the year 1 children have been adding by 10, subtracting not crossing 10 and crossing 10. It has been a tricky week in maths for year 1, however, every child grasped the concepts by the end of the week and I have been extremely impressed with the hardworking ethos and determination they have all had!

In year 2 the children have been recognising equal groups, using the multiplication symbol, using multiplication in pictures and arrays. Although the children were grasping the multiplication, actually drawing arrays can be difficult, but again there was such a significant improvement from the beginning of the week to the end! 


In English this week we have been writing letters. Everyone has put so much effort into these letters and it was so lovely to listen to the children read them out aloud in class today. On Monday we will write a top copy of these and I will post them onto the children's portfolios for you to see. Our letter to our favourite dinosaur was the final letter to complete this week and these top copies will be sent to the museum so we shall await a reply.....


In our foundation subjects we have been learning about Mary Anning. The children loved watching the clip about her and were intrigued by her story, so we acted out the story in groups and then did some freeze frames of Mary, her brother, her dog, Elizabeth Philpott and her dad. In science we looked at fossils and even did some fossil hunting! We looked at fossils of dinosaurs and there was so much discussion we forgot the time! In RE our new philosophical question is: What do my senses tell me about the World of religion and belief? We discussed what the 5 senses were and some examples of them. 


This week a letter went out about Portals to the Past coming in to do a dino and fossil workshop with us on Wednesday 2nd February. This is located on dojo and payment needs to be by 28th January if possible through parent pay. Next week I will be in touch about our class assembly and our class family lunch on the 3rd and 9th of February. 


Congratulations to Jimmy and Isabelle on their awards today! yes


Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: Tuesday 4th January 2022

Good afternoon! Welcome back to the Spring term and our new topic 'Dinosaur Roar!' The children have settled really well back into school and our routine which is fabulous and I think they are looking forward to getting stuck into our topic! Just a reminder that we have PE on Fridays. Homework and spellings are due on a Friday and we aim to read at home at least 3 times if possible yes This term we have our class assembly to look forward to and a dinosaur and fossil workshop. We also have Miss Batchford and Miss Dansey who are doing teaching apprenticeships and who will be with us for some days through the working week. They will be working with small groups of children and may hear your child read. We welcome them to our lovely school smiley


In maths this week year 1 have been ordering groups of objects, ordering numbers and adding by counting on. In year 2 the children have been completing two step problems, making equal groups, adding equal groups and making arrays. We have now moved on to the multiplication and division block of learning. 


In English we have been looking at letters. We decided whether or not the letters were formal or informal, and we wrote a checklist of what we need to include in a letter. We completed a reading comprehension about an appointment letter from a hospital and we annotated a letter. Some great English work completed this week!


In our foundation subjects we had a great history lesson on Wednesday all about what happened to the dinosaurs. There are a few different theories, and some children think it was an asteroid, but some think it was due to volcanic eruption! In science this week we looked at the variation of animals such as amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and fish. I wonder if your child can tell you why a snake is a reptile? Can they tell you why humans are mammals? 


We have also enjoyed starting our new reading skills book this week which is 'The Dinosaurs Packed Lunch' by Jacqueline Wilson. Some of our questions this week have been:

How many words and ideas can you think of linked to the word bored? 

Why do you think Dinah doesn't feel like doing anything?

Spend some time exploring the front cover and make a prediction about what you think will happen in the story.


I am really looking forward to this term with the Doves class smiley We have had a lovely week after the holiday and even had a visitor this afternoon during show and tell..... Gideon's tortoise Timmy!


Have a super weekend everyone!

Miss Forman smiley

Merry Christmas everyone! I wish you all a wonderful break and a very happy and healthy 2022! 

See you on Tuesday 4th January yes


Miss Forman smiley

A Midwife in Crisis! Thank you for coming to watch our Christmas performance! smiley

Week beginning: 6th December 2021

Hello! Week 6 is complete and we are in nearly in Christmas week mode! 

We have been rehearsing our Christmas show each day, and the children are really putting everything into it and remembering their lines and when to come on/off stage! We really hope you enjoy it on Tuesday and we are so pleased you can come! 


In maths this week year 1 have been working on number and place value and answering lots of reasoning questions. Year 2 have been coming to the end of their unit on money which they have worked extremely hard on as some parts are quite tricky. We will move on after Christmas, however, we will still work on money through our mini maths each day after lunch. In English this week we have been creating our lift and flap posters which look brilliant! There was a wonderful moment through the week when Mrs Walker and I looked at each other and smiled as we realised everyone was so engaged in their poster! Well done Doves! I will post these on the children's individual profiles next week and they will be able to take them home to share with their family. 

We finished the week by making moon buggies! The children absolutely loved it and they were super at sorting problems and deciding on ways to make theirs even better! I even heard some children naming their moon buggy Apollo 11 smiley


Next week is full on Christmas although we will still be doing a bit of maths and writing through the week. I have lots of Christmas crafts planned and fun activities for us to finish the term with! There are lots of things going on so I have just put below what is happening each day: 


Monday: Christmas show dress rehearsal to the school 

Tuesday: Christmas show performance at 2:30pm

Wednesday: Christmas dinner 

Friday: Class party in the morning (Children can wear non uniform and Christmas jumpers) Children can bring in their own party food. There will be a face paint and Christmas tattoo station as well as party games and pass the parcel! 


See you Monday Doves! 

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 29th November 2021

Good evening! Week 5 has literally whizzed by! 

This week has been assessment week, so each group took part in an arithmetic paper and a reasoning paper for maths and then a writing assessment. The Year 2 children also had to do a reading paper. This is just for me to see where they are at at this point of the year, and to get Year 2s used to sitting papers ready for SATS in May 2022. They all did brilliantly and were so grown up! 


In RE this week we were learning about the Jewish festival, Hanukah and we read a lovely story together called 'Hetty's Hanukah' which showed how Jewish people celebrate this 8 day festival. In Geography we have used compasses to use simple compass directions (North, South, East, West) and locational and directional language. We will continue with this next week as well as finishing our dioramas. Some children have finished them and they look brilliant! They will be a lovely keepsake to end the topic! Each week I refer to the vocabulary that we have learnt in a topic, and today I was firing questions left, right and centre but every child did so well, they actually blew me away! Next week we look more at Neil Armstrong and space travel in topic yes


Our Christmas performance is being rehearsed each day, and next week we will be having a dress rehearsal in the hall, so please remember any costumes by Monday 6th December. Lots of prop making and costumes have been put together behind the scenes and it is slowly coming together! 


Homework is individual spellings and writing four different types of sentence. I will send a link on dojo of a good SPaG game for children to play too. If possible, please practise your lines too! 


Congratulations to Tegan and Rupert on their awards today yes


Enjoy your weekend Doves class! 

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 22nd November 2021

Good afternoon, we are in full swing of learning the songs for our Christmas performance on Tuesday 14th December at 2:30pm in the school hall. The children seem to enjoy them and as always they are extremely catchy so I'm sure every family will be singing along too! smiley


In maths this week year 1 have been recognising, naming and sorting 2D shapes and making patterns with 2D shapes. We then moved on to using concrete and pictorial representations to explore different ways to represent a number from 11-20. Year 2 have been counting money (pence, pounds and notes and coins) and selecting coins to make an amount. 


In English this week we have all become authors by writing our stories up neatly and drawing fantastic illustrations! The children have worked incredibly hard on these and the presentation of them have been fantastic. We then moved on to a grammar lesson and next week we will do some more work on different types of sentences ready to make an informative poster about what we have learnt about space. 


In topic this week we finished off some writing about the planets, and we started to paint our dioramas. Thank you for the boxes! This is going to be ongoing over the next two weeks as we have to paint, add glitter and organise our planets in order from the sun, so it is a fairly big project! In RE this week we have learnt about Hindu festivals and how they bring people together linking it to Diwali and birthdays from the previous weeks. 


Congratulations to James and Lily on their awards today yes


Well done to everyone for getting through a busy week! Enjoy your well deserved weekend!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 15th November 2021

Week 3 is complete! This week in maths, both year groups finished their block of learning on addition and subtraction for the first term, therefore, we did a little mini assessment to show how brilliant at it we are! Year 1 have now moved on to recognising and sorting 3D shapes and year 2 have moved on to recognising coins and notes in money. 


In English this week we have been focusing on nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. The children are getting really good at noticing what words these are in a sentence. We wrote character descriptions about our own aliens and then moved on to planning and writing our alien stories. The stories just need to be made into books as we are becoming authors and then I will post them on dojo for you to see! Hopefully the aliens will come back to read them like they said! 


In topic this week we have been learning about lots of information of each planet. We started with Mercury, Venus and Earth. We learnt the new word 'crater', so I wonder if your child can remember this vocabulary from Wednesdays lesson? 


This week was Anti-Bullying week and I was really proud of the children for the discussions we had based on this. We did a lovely activity which was creating a picture and some words which described someone in our class. Everyone was picked out of the box and everyone felt very special when they received their star. 

Today we had our 'Children in Need' day! We had so much fun and it was lovely to see everyone dressed up in their spots and non uniform! The children were split into year groups and they each did some Strictly come dancing, some circle art inspired by Kadinsky and they made some Pudsey biscuits! Thank you for a wonderful end to the week Doves class! 


Congratulations to Erika and Darcie for their awards yes


Homework this week is individual spellings and to write a recount on our Children in Need day. Next week is start practising the songs for..... our CHRISTMAS performance!


Have a super weekend!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 8th November 2021

Hello! Another really busy week is over! 

In maths this week year 1 have been completing 8 facts in a fact family, counting back, finding the difference and comparing number sentences by using the inequality symbols. Year 2 have been completing subtraction using the column method when not crossing 10 and then we moved onto exchanging which is super difficult, however, no one gave up and we will be doing one of these each day during mini maths after lunch! By the end of the year they will be pros!


In English this week we read a variety of books with aliens in them which we all really enjoyed. It was wonderful to see the children looking through the books together. We have looked at nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs this week. We have learnt that a noun is a person, a place or something. An adjective describes the noun, a verb is an action and an adverb tells you a bit more about the verb and sometimes they will end in 'ly'. We also answered a reading comprehension on a text called 'My Alien Friend' which the children loved! We then labelled Beegu with lots of interesting and exciting adjectives and designed our own aliens which will be the main character in our own alien stories that we are writing next week. They look amazing!


In RE this week we learnt about Diwali and how it is a festival that brings people together. Over the next few weeks we will be looking at different festivals and celebrations and discuss how they bring people together to celebrate what is important.

We began to learn some facts about the planets which the children were so engaged in! Everyone drew the planets in order from the sun using chalks and in science we looked at different materials such as glass, plastic, wood and metal. The children loved finding things around the classroom that were made out of these materials. We finished the week with some football matches- sorry we were a bit muddy! 


Remembrance Day was on Thursday 11th November and the children were very respectful when doing our 2 minutes silence. We had many discussions about the World Wars and we created a poppy each. 


Homework this week is a maths sheet, TT Rockstars and the children's individual spellings. 


Congratulations to Harry and Millar for their awards this week yes


Have a lovely weekend everyone! See you on Monday with your odd socks on!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 1st November 2021

Welcome back to the autumn 2 term smiley This week we have launched our new topic of 'Moon Zoom'. On Wednesday we had an alien spaceship crash land on our playground and into our classroom! The alien's left a silver rocket, along with some green, slimy footprints, some fizzing moondust and a letter..... 

The letter asked us to write some alien stories and apparently they will come back to read them when we have finished!

Also in English this week we have been upskilling sentences. I gave the children some boring sentences about aliens and the children had to make them more interesting to read by describing the nouns. For example:

The aliens have two feet. 

The cheeky aliens have two smelly, slimy feet. 

We also spoke about commas needing to separate the two adjectives. Some really good ideas and vocabulary used in this lesson- well done children yes


In maths this week both year groups are continuing the block of addition and subtraction. Year 1 have been using appropriate language for subtraction, understanding the subtraction symbol, completing subtraction number sentences and using concrete and pictorial representations to break a number into two parts. 

Year 2 have been learning about subtraction when crossing 10, partitioning 2 numbers to subtract, adding two digit numbers using the column method, and adding two digit numbers when crossing 10. The column method is tricky, especially when exchanging but the children are persisting with it and we will be doing short bursts of this in early morning work and mini maths. 


In topic this week we have been space engineers in geography looking at aerial images of earth and looking at physical features such as beaches, mountains, hills and rivers. We have learnt about the gunpowder plot and why we remember the 5th of November. I wonder if your child can tell you the story? How many barrels of gunpowder did Guy Fawkes and his friends have to try and blow up The Houses of Parliament? Today we enjoyed some chocolate sparklers and mini activities based around Bonfire Night.  


Well done for a fantastic first week Doves class! I am looking forward to getting stuck into this topic with you. 

Enjoy any fireworks you may see tonight! Stay safe yes


Miss Forman smiley


Still image for this video

Week beginning: 18th October 2021

Happy half term! I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing break and I will see you on Monday 1st November smiley

We have had lots of fun with the green screen this week!


Still image for this video

Week beginning: 11th October 2021

Hello! Our last full week of this term is complete and everyone has worked so hard. In maths year 1 have been recognising and understanding the addition symbol, completing fact families, exploring number bonds to 10 and systematic number bonds. In year 2 we have been completing calculations, 10 more and 10 less and adding and subtracting tens from any given number. 


In English we have been writing weather reports for Wales and Scotland earlier in the week, and then later this week we have been writing a weather report but reporting from East Hanningfield. The children have been really engaged and have some incredible ideas- when they read them aloud they really bring it all to life and I can't wait to use the green screen next week to perform them. 


This month is Black History Month and we have been learning all about Marcus Rashford and why he such a great role model. We have been inspired by lots of books this week and have enjoyed reading some books children have bought in from home too. There was some lovely writing on Wednesday about Marcus Rashford and we have been sketching him in our art books too! 


In ICT we are learning about how to be safe online, and the children made some brilliant flip books which show this. Science got us outside and we worked in pairs to look at the Beaufort scale and decided on force 2 for yesterday. The children loved reading about the different stages and what happens as the force increases!


Well done to Fraser and William on their awards this week yes


I hope everyone enjoyed the disco and has a great weekend!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 4th October 2021

Good afternoon,

What a full on week we have had! It was lovely to see so many parents at the church on Tuesday morning to watch our Harvest assembly. All the classes did so well, and I hope you enjoyed our song 'in my trolley'. Well done to the children who read their prayers aloud too as it can be daunting! On Thursday morning we enjoyed Atomic Tom and did some great experiments with him in his weather workshop- we particularly loved the rainbow glasses and the Van de Graff!

In maths this week year 1 have been working on part whole models. We started by understanding the concept, then concentrated on using the correct language before we moved on to completing part whole models independently and to show addition. In year 2 we have been working on fact families which the children were super at and realised it is easy once you get your head around it! We have been checking calculations to see if they were true or false, comparing number sentences and then we finished the week with number bonds in tens to 100 which is also the homework for this week. Again, the children whizzed through the challenges!


In English this week we started our final learning sequence of this term and we will be writing and performing a weather report. We watched a couple of weather reporting clips and then spoke about the language used. We worked in groups to make a list of the words and phrases that we may use when we come to write our reports. We also wrote a recount of our morning with Atomic Tom using our time connectives 'first, next, then, after that and finally'. I am looking forward to using the green screen at the end of term! 


In our foundation subjects this week we completed some super writing on Sir Francis Beaufort after learning about him. I wonder if your child can answer these questions? 

At what age did Sir Francis Beaufort leave school? 

Where did he go after leaving school?

What was he interested in? 

What is he famous for?

What is the Beaufort scale? 


Thank you to everyone for letting me know what date and time they would like for parents evening, I will be sending your appointments out this evening. I am really looking forward to sharing your child's learning with you.


Congratulations to Abigail and Chloe for their awards this week yes


Have a super weekend!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 27th September 2021

Good afternoon smiley

This week we have been practising our Harvest festival song! It is very catchy, maybe a bit too catchy as one little girl said her family tell her to stop after 3 times! Don't worry my family say the same to me laugh It is called 'In my trolley' and along with some harvest prayers we will be performing these in the church on Tuesday 5th October. We hope to see you there! 


In maths this week year 1 have been ordering numbers, learning about ordinal numbers, using a number line to complete simple addition and we have had a big focus on number formation. In year 2 the children have been counting in 2s, counting in 5s, counting in 10s and we have started counting in 3s. Some very neat maths work in books this week- well done Doves! 

In English this week we have been writing some incredible seasonal poems. I was really impressed with the adjectives and ideas that the children had and I hope they are proud of their top copies! We have been working on expanded noun phrases and the children love making my boring sentences so much better! We are working on our handwriting and do this daily, so I am looking forward to seeing the progress that is made this year in the presentation of our work. At this point in the year we are working on letter size and formation, and then we will move onto joining and then we will be ready for our pen licenses in year 3!

We have been really busy with our foundation subjects this week. In art we used different media to create some seasonal trees, and in Geography we did some fantastic writing about the Equator, Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere recapping from last week, and then we discussed different countries in the Hemispheres and compared them. In science we looked at absorbent materials and completed a fun activity and then in PE this afternoon we finished with a game of bench ball! 


I have been so proud of the children this week for how well they have done with the London Mini Marathon! We just have Monday to go until it is completed! Thank you so much for all of the sponsors and donations to Great Ormond Street Children's hospital. 


Congratulations to Jack and Amelia for their awards this week yes


Have a lovely, relaxing weekend!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 20th September 2021

We have had a lot of fun this week at school! In maths year 1 have been completing activities to do with one to one correspondence and comparing objects, before moving on to using the inequality symbols (<>=+), comparing numbers and ordering objects. In year 2 we have been using part whole models, place value charts, comparing numbers and ordering objects and numbers. Year 2 have been working a lot in their books this week, and they are presenting their work beautifully, so lots of maths dojos were given out each lesson! The homework that went into the packs this afternoon consolidates our learning from this week. 

In English this week we have been writing a sequence of sentences about the seasons and what happens during different points of the year. We identified adjectives and nouns and then improved our writing style by producing noun phrases. The children had so many good ideas! Also, we completed a cloze procedure reading activity and we planned our seasonal poems ready to write next week. Again, we are getting really hot on presentation and it is lovely to see the children take pride in their books and work- and so they should as they are working super hard!


In our foundation subjects this week we made our Christmas card designs so they are now ready to be posted off to the printers to make into cards, gift tags, wrapping paper all ready for...... CHRISTMAS! We looked at the Christian creation story of the World in RE and in Geography we located the Equator and the North and South Poles on the globes and atlases.

The children are really enjoying our French lessons and we have learnt how to say how old we are to each other. During the register we have learnt 'hello' in different languages and I usually pick someone each day to answer the register in a certain language such as German, Italian, Polish and Japanese, however, on a Friday it is time to sing and dance 'Happy Friday!'

In science this week we made thermometer boxes and the children have loved looking at the temperature over the last couple of days. Maybe we have some future meteorologists! 

As we were so excited for the inflatable afternoon and we couldn't get on the field we had some fun with the parachute in PE and it was the perfect end to our working week yessmiley


Congratulations to Edith and Gideon on their awards this week yes


Have a great weekend whatever you get up to!

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 13th September 2021

This week in maths year 1 have been been counting forwards and backwards, counting one more than a given number and one less than a given number. They are all in the swing of working through the class challenges which is great! In year 2 the children have been counting to 100, representing numbers to 100 and partitioning numbers. They have really been pushing themselves to complete the reasoning questions, and explain their answers in more depth. 

In English this week we have been writing our instructions for how to get dressed for a rainy day. The children were super at using their phonics to support them to write the instructions, they used imperative verbs and the spelling of common exception words was great! I will send these out on dojo next week!

In phonics year 1 have been recapping the phase 3 digraphs and segmenting and blending words. Year 2 have been recapping the phase 5 digraphs and we have been reading real and alien words to get us ready for the phonics screening check. 

The children are enjoying our reading skills book 'Hortense and the Shadow'. Some of our questions based on VIPERS this week were:

Use one word to describe Hortense. 

What might Hortense be thinking when she 'cuts off' her shadow?

What do you think will happen next? 


In our foundation subjects this week we did some great Geography work on aerial views, and we had a fun science lesson investigating shadows and their shapes!


Congratulations to Tayden and Lexi on their awards this week smiley 


I hope everyone has a lovely weekend yes

Miss Forman smiley

Week beginning: 6th September 2021

Welcome back to the autumn 1 term and what a fantastic first week we have had in Doves class! This week in maths we have been getting used to our challenges in each lesson. Children start with the fluency challenge and then move on to problem solving and then reasoning challenges where they have to explain their answers. Both year groups have been focusing on place value, but this week specifically year 1 have been sorting objects into a variety of different ways, counting objects to 10, counting objects from a group of 10 and pictorially representing objects and numbers. Year 2 have been counting forwards and backwards within 20 and then 50, understanding the concept of tens and ones, using practical equipment to represent numbers to 50 and comparing numbers to 50 using the inequality symbols. 

In English this week we began our two week sequence of learning by writing about items that we would need to wear in different seasons and we answered reading comprehension questions based on a story 'Seren's seasons'. We then identified the features of instructions, made a list of imperative verbs and had some fun making jam sandwiches using imperative verbs ready for our warm task on Monday. The children loved playing some games to do with imperative verbs, so we definitely had lots of giggles going on in English this week. smiley

In our foundation subjects this week we had a great art lesson describing and exploring the work of specific artists and started to create our own weather paintings! In RE we began our first topic which is 'How did the universe come to be?' In geography we looked at some 'extreme weather' clips and described simple weather patterns of hot and cold places. On top of that we had French, PSHE, science and we finished off the week with some fun PE! 


Thank you for all of your support this week, it has been lovely to see parents again from last year, and it has been brilliant to meet new ones too! We will be able to get you all in more this year, which I'm looking forward to as it is always lovely for the children to show off their work with pride! 


Everyone has homework folders that they should have taken home this afternoon. The homework is explained on the homework tab of our class page if you need it. This is due in by next Friday morning if possible!


Finally, you should be so proud of yourselves Doves class for working so hard! I am really excited for our year together. 

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday!

Miss Forman smiley

