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East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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Year 2

Online learning for the week beginning: 1st February 2021

Hello smiley Welcome to week 5!

I am so proud that no one is giving up, and the quality of work I am getting from everyone is absolutely spectacular so thank you for your continued support. Please remember that English, maths and phonics are the priority, but I am so pleased even if one thing gets ticked off from the timetable! Below is the link to the timetable for week five of online learning, and I will be posting the video clips for English, phonics, reading vipers and handwriting through dojo the previous afternoon/evening ready for the next day of learning. 


Last week I was so impressed with all of the year 2's (and their parents!) for the effort and determination that went into the division activities. We will be continuing with this lots through the school year, and it is so important that we know those times tables! This week we move onto statistics, where we will be learning about making tally charts and drawing pictograms. I really wanted to do this in school, but I know you will have lots of fun learning doing this at home this week. The links for the lessons are on the timetable and the worksheets are below (note there is no worksheet for Friday as an interactive game is planned instead). 


The riddles from last week were so much fun to read through, and I loved listening to the children read through them too! The presentation of all of the was brilliant so thank you!

This week we are going to complete a poetry unit. I was really looking forward to teaching this in class, but I'm sure you are going to make them amazing at home! We are going to be focusing on the poem  'Do NOT feed the animals' by Robert Hull. 

We will be creating a poster of an animal with details of what NOT to feed it, we will be highlighting the rhyming words in the poem, writing our own Do NOT feed the animals poems, and then performing our poems at the end of the week. I will send the learning clips for these lessons on dojo/vimeo from next week. 

Below are the resources for the week that you will need:


Please complete the spelling frame rule 21-25 this week. When we have finished this I will record video clips for spelling lessons. The links to the spelling frame rules are on the timetable.

Reading Vipers

This week the children will answer questions on prediction, explanation, retrieval, summary and vocabulary. We are very nearly at the end of the book now, and will finish it next week. The video link for each lesson will be sent through to you during the previous day, and the question and answer sheet is below:


Handwriting this week is a months of the year focus. I will post a learning clip on Monday for months January- June and then on Wednesday I will post another learning clip for months July- December. I am so impressed that the children are making sure their handwriting and presentation is superb not just in English but in all subjects smileyyes


Below are the worksheets and resources that you will need for RE, Art, Geography, PSHE, Science, and the other little extra bits that children can do only if they want to. I will explain these more on the morning clips and zoom. 

