Summer 1 Curriculum plan
Spring 2 Curriculum Overview
Autumn 2 Curriculum Overview
Our topic for this half term is ‘Staycation’ which focuses on the United Kingdom. As the topic is very Geography based, the children will be learning all about the United Kingdom and the different countries that make up the UK. We will look at the different Patron Saints, flags and national flowers. The children will locate cities using map skills and we will look at how compass points are used. The children will gain an awareness of where places are in relation to other places in the UK and we will look and human and physical geographical features.
In English we will be studying the features of non-chronological reports and using these features to write our own.
In Maths we will be learning about place value, addition and subtraction. We we be writing numbers as Roman Numerals and using numerals and words.
In RE we will be exploring the question:
"What is the Bible and how to people interpret it?"
We we look at the importance of the Bible to Christians, recognise that it is split into the Old Testament and New Testament and will learn some of the stories within it.
In Art we will be looking at British artists and compare their styles, discussing whether we like or dislike them. We will then be developing our own styles of collage based on London.