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East Hanningfield

Church of England Primary School

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Year 2

Online learning for the week beginning: 1st March 2021

This is our final week of online learning!!! smiley

As always the timetable is provided, but please do not put pressure on yourselves and get everything completed. I couldn't have asked for more from the children over these 8 weeks of home school and I really do thank you for your support.

Below is the link to the timetable and I will continue to post the learning clip links through dojo. 


This week the year 2s will be continuing with shape. It has been lovely to hear that the children are enjoying this unit of learning, and it is sometimes a nice break to move away from number! This week the year 2s will be learning about lines of symmetry, sorting 2D shapes, making patterns with 2D shapes and counting faces on 2D shapes. The links to the learning clips are on the timetables and the worksheets for each day are ready below:


In English this week we will be continuing with The Elephant Dance story and we will be learning how to use commas in a list, learning about metaphors, writing about a dream we may have had and writing sentences about an Indian elephant. On Thursday 4th March it is World Book Day. Obviously it is a little bit different this year but we have some activities planned and I will talk more about these on the day in my morning clip. We will be having a pyjama-rama day instead of dressing up as a book character (more info to come!) Each lesson has a video clip which I will send through on dojo. Below are the worksheets you will need for English this week: 


SPaG is spelling, punctuation and grammar and we will now be having these lessons in school when you are back! I will do a video clip for this each day, and I have a few activities for you to complete on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are going to look at contracted words with an apostrophe e.g. can't. We will also be using the possessive apostrophe with singular nouns e.g. Sid's. On top of that I will be trying to trick you on Friday by spelling words a certain way- you guys need to tell me the correct spelling! Below are the activities linked to this:

Reading Vipers

This is our last week on The Squirrels Who Squabbled! Well done for being absolutely amazing with vipers over these last 8 weeks! I hope you have enjoyed both stories smiley Below is the question and answer sheet for this week:


Handwriting over these last 8 weeks has been a huge highlight for me. I can see amazing improvements in everyone! This week we are going to be practising to write the seasons. Seasons do not need a capital letter as they are a general noun and not a proper noun even though they are a name! Just to confuse us! I will do a video clip for this to use used throughout the whole week. 


Below are the resources that you will need for the topic activities this week. I will explain all of this in more detail on my daily clips and on our zoom call. I hope you have enjoyed learning about India smiley

See you on Monday 8th March Doves class!

